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7/17/2007 3:32:35 PM
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12/15/2004 7:37:11 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />Planning CODmdssion Minutes - Decenber 5, 1984 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Planninr,z File .12Q.Q. - Amendment to the Zoning Code to create a new zoning district for <br />industrial waste facilities <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Hr. Dahlgren indicated the Council had sugGested that rather than simply adding <br />industrial ~{aste facilities as a special use in the 1-2 district, we should consider <br />creatinG a separate zoning district for the vlaste facility use. Hr. Dahlgren <br />indicated after discussions with the City Attorney, it does not appear the new zoning <br />district would put the City in a better position to turn down an application for an <br />industrial waste facility. The major difference is that a rezoning requires a 4/5 <br />vote, versus a 2/3 vote to approve a special use permit. Hr. Dahlgren suggested <br />the special use language should include a list of controls or standards to be <br />considered when reviewing a request. <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Dressler asked whether if the City rezoned a piece of land for a facility, and in the <br />future a different facility wants to move onto that land, would the new facility's <br />request be more difficult to turn down, since the land is already zoned correctly. <br />Mr. Dahlgren indicated the City would still have to approve a special use permit. <br /> <br />Wiski indicated that if the purpose is to limit proliferation of industrial waste <br />facilities, the new zoning district is not the vlay to do this. He suggested a City <br />policy rBgarding industrial waste facilities should be included in the Comprehensive <br />Plan. The policy could place limits on industrial waste facilities. <br /> <br />Matson indicated his major concern is that detailed plans be provided at the time of <br />the rezoning. He does not want an applicant to come in for a rezoning and say he <br />will provide detailed plans at the time of the special use permit consideration. <br /> <br />Berry indicated the Planning Commission's special use language had excluded <br />radioactive [;laterials from the facility. She asked why that language had been <br />dropped from the Council's language. [Jr. Nowlin, representing the HRC, indicated he <br />does not have a probler.l vlith radioactive materials being excluded fr01:1 the facility. <br />He indicated he supports the new zoning district, but does not see that it is a way <br />to prevent a proliferation of industrial Haste facHi ty uses. ilr. Uowlin indicated <br />he was concerned with the definition of explosives in the special use permit <br />language. Specifically, with the secretary's list of explosive materials. The <br />concern is that the list is subject to change. <br /> <br />iHski indicated it does not seem that He get any more protection by creatine; a nevI <br />zoning distr'ict. <br /> <br />Matson indicated that in the past, the City has had someone ask for rezoning approval <br />before providing details of the plan. He does not want this to happen, even though <br />the City can still deny the special use permit after a rezoning, the rezoning has <br />already oommitted the City to that type of use. It could bo more difficult to deny <br />the special use permit after approving the rezoning. <br />
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