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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:32:35 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:37:12 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />-5- <br /> <br />Hr. Wiski indicated there was a need to continue discussion on the questions of <br />adequate turnaround, water looping and sidewalk. He saw three inportant issues: <br />1) The two acre requirement for a Planned Unit Development - he stated he was <br />persuaded by Mr. Dahlgren that there were reasons for permitting the development to <br />be considered as a Planned Unit Development of under 2 acres. 2) Density - he <br />corrmented the property has 5,600 square feet less than required for 13 units, which <br />is equal to approximately the square footage required for each unit. However, he <br />felt because of density credits, the development basically complies \.,ith the <br />requirements. 3) Private Street - he expressed concern that the street on the Kehr <br />property be available for use by the property O\'lners to the east at such time as <br />their land is developed. The Homeowners Association on the Kehr property should be <br />required to assure the maintenance of the private roadway. <br /> <br />Mr. Matson stated it didn't seem like it would be proper to require a sidewalk when <br />there are no sidewalks on either side. Perhaps a sidewalk should be required when <br />the other sidewalks in the area are built. <br /> <br />~ir. Wiski suggested the applicant provide a teflt?Orary haIrnnerhead turnaround at the <br />end of the private street until the property to the east is developed. This may mean <br />waiting to build a unit or two until the street is extended. <br /> <br />l>lrs. Johnson indicated she was troubled that the Cormnission is getting into an area <br />that Mr. Kehr should have taken care of. <br /> <br />Mr. DeBenedet suggested additional off-street parking should be provided. <br /> <br />Mrs. Berry indicated she was under the impression that the Commission had directed <br />the applicant to meet the fire codes and make plans for the developnent of the east <br />properties before submitting the proposal again. She said that did not seem to have <br />occurred. <br /> <br />Recorrmendation <br /> <br />l-1atson moved, DeBenedet seconded that the Commiss ion recommend approval of AI Kehr' s <br />request for rezoning from R-l to R-2, special use permit for Planned Unit <br />Development, preliminary plat and variance to density at 674 County Road C, with the <br />following conditions: <br /> <br />1) That the property be developed in accordance with the site plan dated January <br />22, 1985. <br />2) That in lieu of constructing a sidewalk, the applicant shall deposit with the <br />City an amount equal to the estimated cost of the sidewalk. <br />3) That the utility plans be approved by staff. <br />4) That no parking be permitted on the private street from the corner of the L to <br />the east property line. <br />5) That a teflt?Orary hammerhead turnaround be provided at the east property line <br />until the street is continued to the east. <br />6) That provisions be made to assure the private street will be maintained by the <br />Homeowners Association, and that an easement be provided to assure the use of <br />the street by property owners to the east. <br />
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