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<br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> <br />Pagett 16 <br /> <br />Wednesday, July 6, 1988 <br /> <br />absorb many more units than are being planned at the current <br />time. <br /> <br />Johnson inquired if the PFS study was driving council policy to <br />get more housing in the community. Waldron answered that was a <br />part of the issue. <br /> <br />Mrs. Resler, 2788 Merrill, asked if the traffic studies had <br />considered special events like concerts, or the beach at Lake <br />Josephine. Casci responded that they studied peak times and did <br />not look at special events. It was his feeling that day in and <br />day out the peak time at 4: 30 - 5: 30 pm. is the worst case <br />situation. <br /> <br />Resler asked for clarification on the exterior building materials <br />and pointed out that people take alternative routes when <br />Lexington is congested, which effects the people in the area. <br />Johnson pointed out that the reality is that the city will see <br />more traffic. <br /> <br />Tisdell, 2866 Griggs, asked what the effect of the project would <br />be on property values. Dahlgren suggested that the best place <br />for land use change is at rear property line and not across <br />streets. This allows room for berms and buffers. This also <br />protects the front yard environment of the residential properties <br />which is the most important. Dahlgren stated that if a project <br />is done well, it does not have a negative effect on property <br />value. Dahlgren also stated that vacant land can affect value <br />because of the question of what development might occur on the <br />property. Dahlgren also pointed out that there would be adequate <br />right-of-way on Lexington to handle traffic, but that signal <br />lights may be necessary in the future. Dahlgren suggested that <br />traffic levels might double if the property is developed as it is <br />zoned. Dahlgren said that the proposed residential project would <br />also be better than the commercial project because the city does <br />not have to contribute to the fiscal disparities pool. <br /> <br />Karl Anderson, 2855 Aglen, asked what assurance the city will <br />have the development will occur and be upscale, and what the <br />timing of the construction of the berm and buffer would be. <br />Waldron responded that the city would have a development <br />agreement which requires that the structures be built before any <br />money is given to the developer. <br /> <br />Anderson asked if there would be any performance bonds. Waldron <br />answered that there would be standard landscape bonds. <br />