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7/17/2007 3:33:37 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:55:17 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Wednesday March 13, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />the area adjacent to the lakeshore is used for picnic tables and <br />grass and they have no plans for improvements in that area. <br /> <br />Roberts asked if they were in a position to review the PUD. <br />Shardlow stated yes, that this was a sketch plan review. <br />Shardlow added that the purpose of sketch plan review is to give <br />the applicant some sense of if the proposed concept is workable <br />and what level of investment on their part will be required. <br />Shardlow pointed out that the applicant could then make a <br />decision on whether or not to proceed further with the PUD. <br /> <br />Roberts asked if the PUD was the method necessary to bring the <br />site into compliance. Shardlow responded that it was. <br /> <br />Roberts suggested that additional information should be provided <br />concerning the volume traffic, restriction on the number of boats <br />in the water and stored on the site, screening of the site from <br />adjacent properties, limits on the number of buildings on the <br />site, appropriate controls to avoid any hazard to water quality <br />on Lake Owasso and surrounding wetlands, DNR and Grass Lake Water <br />Management organization concurrence, lot grading information, and <br />identification of safety standards to allow sufficient emergency <br />vehicle access to the site. Roberts pointed out that none of <br />these areas would appear to require substantial investment by the <br />applicant. <br /> <br />wietecki asked what parking lot improvements would be made over <br />time. Slater responded that providing additional asphalt would <br />be more hazardous to the lake because of additional run off. <br />Slater pointed out that the gravel on the site allows percolation <br />into the soil which is better for the lake. <br /> <br />Wietecki stated that this is an appropriate use of the site and <br />that the applicant should move forward with the application. <br />Wietecki pointed out that the applicant should consider staged <br />parking lot improvements and that there be limits to the amount <br />of winter storage of boats on the site and screening provided. <br /> <br />Stokes stated that other areas that should be explored include <br />restriction of hours, motor size, and gas and oil storage. <br />Stokes also indicated that proper emergency vehicle access should <br />be provided and warning signs be placed on victoria. <br /> <br />Berry stated that the marina has been there for over 29 years and <br />has become a neighborhood institution which should be protected <br />and not screened from Victoria. <br /> <br />DeBenedet stated that you can't tell how many boats are there <br />from victoria and if you looked, you would be off the road. <br />DeBenedet stated that motor restrictions would not be reasonable <br />or effective and that somewhere in the process, the applicant <br />
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