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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:20 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:55:49 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />5 <br /> <br />Chairman Wietecki asked for a clarification of code deficiencies and the requested actions. <br />Mr. Falk summarized the code deficiencies and the actions requested. <br /> <br />Member Sandstrom questioned the impact of the shoreline ordinance on the proposed <br />project. Staff responded that there would be no impact. <br /> <br />Member Rengel asked if the building could be shifted or an angled parking solution <br />instituted to alleviate the parking setback problem. Michael Falk responded that the <br />building was right at setback lines and that angled parking would impact the number of <br />parking stalls present on the site. <br /> <br />Member Thomas questioned if there was curb and gutter being proposed and outlined <br />conditions from the previous special use permit approval for the property which may still <br />apply. Mr. Falk responded that curb and gutter is shown on the approved plan. Staff also <br />responded that most of the previous conditions would not apply to the present proposal, <br />but could be incorporated into this approval. <br /> <br />Member Harms questioned ifPUD had been required for a similar development. Staff <br />indicated that they could not recall a similar proposal being done as a PUD. <br /> <br />Member Rengel asked for clarification on the number of parking stalls required, and on the <br />design details of the building. <br /> <br />Robert Mickalack, project Architect, higWighted the proposal and pointed out that Mr. <br />Alkali operated three similar facilities in the metro area. Mr. Michalack indicated that the <br />taxes would be cleared up on the sale, that angled parking was reviewed but did not work <br />for the proposed operations. Mr. Mickalack also added that the 37 parking stalls required <br />by city code is in excess of what is necessary for the business. Mr. Mickalack pointed out <br />that the site is all asphalt now and that there is an adjacent garage for the apartment <br />complex which is right up to the property line. Mr. Mickalack summarized exterior <br />materials, landscaping, building height, and other details. <br /> <br />Chairman Wietecki asked if the size of the building could be reduced. Mr. Mickalack <br />responded that the current design meets the minimum business needs. <br /> <br />Member Rengel questioned what signage would occur on the site. Mr. Alkali responded <br />that he is proposing a pylon sign with the business name and reader board and wall <br />signage as allowed by the ordinance. Mr. Alkali pointed out that he is looking into the <br />possibility of canopy signs over the window area. <br /> <br />Member Sandstrom questioned who the other tenant would be, and the amount of space <br />they would occupy. Mr. Alkali responded that it would be a Precision Tune type use and <br />not a body shop and that they would occupy 3800 square feet of the building. <br />
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