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Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:33 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:04 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />August 9, 1995 <br /> <br />from Michael Falk, City Planner. City Planner Falk noted that the original proposal was <br />to improve an existing structure, and to add to it without expanding any setback lines <br />except for a garage to be located within 5 feet of the south property line. <br /> <br />Following the Planning Commission and City Council action to approve the variance, the <br />applicant, John Torgerson, found that the footings, foundations, and the structure located <br />at 337 South Owasso Boulevard were not adequate in capacity or strength. His <br />consultants recommended raising the structure, but honoring the setbacks of the variance <br />and providing a five foot setback along the north property line. <br /> <br />Planner Falk reminded the Commission that they had encouraged Mr. Torgerson to <br />consider a new structure on the existing site with the existing setbacks during the original <br />variance hearing. <br /> <br />Mr. Falk noted that the variance was originally approved under the old Shoreland <br />Ordinance which now requires that: <br /> <br />I) A variance be approved for lot size; <br />2) the front yard setback variance be approved to allow the structure of set within <br />five feet of the south property line; and <br />3) the lot is "grandfathered" in as a preexisting lot of record with the setbacks at the <br />current structure setback of 21 ft. <br /> <br />He noted that this is a different case, because it is a small lot and there is not much room <br />to shift structures, and it is consistent with the neighborhood and the adjacent setbacks. <br />Mr. Falk stated that the staff recommends approval with the variance to lot size to allow <br />the 7,000 sq.ft. lot to be built on, with a front yard (south side) setback of five feet, and <br />with a shore land setback of21 ft. to the structure foundation wall (which is the same as <br />the existing structure). <br /> <br />Mr. John Torgerson, 337 South Owasso Boulevard, stated that he will stay within the <br />setbacks for the new structure. His contractors have recommended the raising of the <br />existing structure and the new construction of a two-bedroom, split-level house with <br />1,100 square feet, and creating a better, five foot side yard setback along the north <br />property line. The structure will line up with the adjacent structures on either side. Mr. <br />Torgerson has reviewed this with his neighbors and states that the neighbors are <br />supportive. <br /> <br />Member Sandstrom asked for clarification regarding the setbacks needed. Chairman <br />Wietecki asked for comments from the public. There were none. Chairman Wietecki <br /> <br />13 <br />
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