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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:34 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:05 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />September 13. 1995 <br /> <br />Michael Falk explained that the site is currently zone Rl, single-family, and that a church <br />is a permitted use within the Rl zone. The church site is 6.3 acres, bounded on the west by <br />Lexington Avenue, on the south by Parker and on the north by Burke A venue. On the east <br />there are existing residential homes. Three homes along the east edge of the property will <br />be removed from the site as this addition is constructed. Two structures along the site will <br />be relocated to different portions of the property as the project is constructed. The addition <br />will include 32,000 sq. ft. on 2 levels and add an additional 101 parking spaces. <br /> <br />The variance would allow for a 40 ft. high new sanctuary to be constructed above the <br />existing main floor level. The church has indicated that the height is required to achieve the <br />correct acoustics within the larger sanctuary and to accommodate a pipe organ at the south <br />end of the structure. The height is only at the center of the north/south access of the new <br />sanctuary. At the mid point, the roof slopes. The average height is 28 feet. There will be <br />no rooftop mechanicals seen from the street. Existing trees on the southwest corner of the <br />site are approximately 50 to 60 ft. in height and will provide screening from the residential <br />area. Parking is adequate for this site. In fact, there is more than enough parking. The <br />church responds that there will be more than one activity occurring in the church at anyone <br />time. The site currently handles storm runoff by roof drains and catch basins that connect <br />to a storm sewer on Burke Avenue. The additional storm water runoff by the new hard <br />surface of the roof and the paving will be retained in a pond along the north edge of the <br />property. The engineering staff has reviewed this plan and indicated the storm calculations <br />will need to be reviewed prior to issuance of any building permit. The engineering staff <br />provided a list of 8 conditions that should be attached to the permit, and are included in the <br />written report dated September 11, 1995, by Michael Falk. <br /> <br />City Planner Falk summarized that the project has been reviewed by the neighbors and that <br />there are concerns regarding drainage and landscaping as well as traffic in the parking lot. <br />The staffhas encouraged the designed to add additional landscaping along the east property <br />line to screen the neighbors from the parking lot, and does recommend approval of the <br />Calvary Baptist Church's request for a variance to the height specification for Rl zoning <br />districts to allow for a 40 ft. high sanctuary. <br /> <br />Ray Geiger, the Architect representing the church, presented architectural drawings including <br />the exterior brick and stucco details. He stated he had met with the neighbors and that there <br />appeared to be no major concern about the height, but more concern about the site plan and <br />landscaping. Member Wietecki asked the architect to show more islands to soften the sea <br />of asphalt, and preserve the existing trees if at all possible. Member Sandstrom asked that <br />the <br />storm water drainage needs much attention, especially with the addition of the large, new <br />parking lot. He noted that the pond design is inefficient and should be triangular shaped. <br /> <br />11 <br />
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