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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:34 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:05 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />September 13. 1995 <br /> <br />He stated that in the past year, Burke Avenue was flooded 2 times by parking runoff. <br /> <br />Carla Bistler, who lives on Parker Avenue adjacent to the property, asked what type of <br />grading and drainage will occur adjacent to her house. Clarification was provided. <br />Chairman Wietecki asked if the city staff will inspect to see that the drainage is properly <br />installed. The property owner adjacent to the northeast corner of the church property noted <br />that her yard is consistently wet and the basement is wet in the spring. Water has drained <br />over the curb lines and parking areas and into the yards on the east side ofthe project. She <br />asked if a storm sewer could be placed in the back yards to reduce the amount of storm <br />damage on this site. she stated that the properties on the northeast corner of the parking lot <br />are the lowest properties within the neighborhood, and that they become the holding pond <br />for much of the church parking lot. <br /> <br />Bob Beshensky, 1040 Parker Avenue, stated he lives across the street from the church and <br />was concerned about the youth building being placed temporarily on plywood and plastic. <br />he asked if the building will be left for more than 12 months. He asked if the youth building <br />could be removed, and moved to a more accessible site. He asked that the parking areas have <br />no through streets and that the 1 garage remain on the site. He asked if there was a guarantee <br />that the buildings will be removed rrom the site as proposed. He also stated that he was not <br />concerned with height of the church. <br /> <br />Carla Bistler asked how will the homes be removed rrom the site. Dan Lindgren, of Calvary <br />Church, responded that the church will move the 2 homes to another site, and that the homes <br />will be sold. <br /> <br />Member Cunningham asked if the youth center will be moved. The lower level of the new <br />building will house the youth center at some future date, and in the interim, the houses on <br />the site will be used as a portion of the youth center. Member Cunningham also asked if the <br />large parking area could be drained to a storm sewer. Lynn Newquist, Engineer representing <br />the church, stated that the runoff will go directly into the major storm pond and from the <br />pond into the city storm sewer. <br /> <br />Carla Bistler expressed her concerns including: <br /> <br />1) There should be a fence or border between the properties, and the fence is needed to <br />screen headlights and traffic. <br />2) There should be speed bumps in the parking lot to slow traffic down at the entrances <br />and exits. <br />3) There should be a limit on how long temporary buildings can be left on the site. <br />4) There should be some method of maintaining and improving the privacy of the living <br /> <br />12 <br />
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