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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:36:00 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 8:04:05 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />Member Olson noted that parking would be on the Church parking lot rather than on County Road C-2. <br /> <br />Chair Rhody noted that office users may be using the driveway and garage, but not in the street. <br /> <br />Deb Bloom explained that a no-parking requirement could be agreed to, but a Council resolution is necessary and another <br />meeting and mailing. <br /> <br />Member Olson asked if the item would be placed on the Consent Agenda because there was a negative comment by Mr. <br />Grundum (no, regular agenda). <br /> <br />6(d) Planning File 3334: A request by Robert Reichenbach for a Variance from Section 1004.01A6 of the Roseville City <br />Code to allow construction of a kitchen addition on to the home. The property is located at 1858 Hamline Avenue. <br /> <br />Chair Rhody opened the hearing and requested Thomas Paschke to provide a verbal summary of the project report dated <br />July 11, 2001. <br /> <br />Mr. Paschke explained that Robert Reichenbach is requesting a variance from Section 1004.01 A6 (Maximum Total <br />Surface Area) and Section 1004.01 E (Front Yard Setback) to allow construction of a kitchen and covered porch addition <br />onto the existing home. <br /> <br />Mr. Reichenbach proposes to construct a 10-foot by 39-foot (390 square foot) kitchen and covered porch addition onto the <br />front of the existing home. The Community Development Staff has determined the proposal for an additional 363 (less the <br />existing front porch) square feet of impervious area on the subject parcel will require a variance to Section 1004.01 A6 of <br />the Roseville City Code. <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke noted that distances are unclear regarding the setbacks and there should be a survey. However, a six- <br />foot setback variance is requested, increasing impervious surface from 42.8% to 47.8%. <br /> <br />He explained the previous (2000) variance approved for the detached garage, driveway and patio. <br /> <br />Staff recommended approval, subject to a survey. <br /> <br />Member Olson asked for measurements and setback clarifications. (A survey is needed to resolve this distance). A <br />general discussion of the measured setback ensued. <br /> <br />Member Mulder explained the uniqueness of the driveway and garage variances. <br /> <br />Chair Rhody asked for clarification on lot coverage requirement. Deb Bloom explained the storm water run-off coefficient <br />for residential lots is 30%. Chair Rhody read an email from Ken Mosler, 1883 Hamline, John & Merven Christensen, 1852 <br />Hamline, John & Agnes Fuhrman, 1877 Huron Ave, Roman & Blanch Achtelik, 1867 Huron Ave., Bruce & Sheryl <br />Workentien, 1893 Huron Ave., stating that the appearance and coverage is not connected with the neighborhood: <br /> <br />"This e-mail is to express our concern about the variance to be considered for this project. A variance has been granted <br />previously for the construction of an oversized garage at this location. This is a small lot and is already overbuilt. In <br />addition, the construction of an addition on the front of this house and the upward expansion that has been described <br />appears to conflict with the character and the aesthetics of the neighborhood. I am writing this email on behalf of myself <br />and a number of other neighbors who are concerned about any additional development on this property pending more <br />clarification about the extent and appearance of the proposed addition. " <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked that the email be used cautiously because of additional names on the email, without their <br />signatures. <br /> <br />Robert Reichenbach, applicant, explained the design of the house. The designers recommended front additions for the <br />kitchen. <br /> <br />He reviewed the neighborhood home designs for a compatible solution to the kitchen and porch. The roof pitch will not <br />change, but will expand street-ward. The exterior materials will be stucco on the kitchen. Vinyl may be used on dormers. <br />There were no further comments. <br /> <br />Chair Rhody closed the hearing. <br />
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