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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Agenda for June 1, 2005Page 5 of 8 <br />1 area within Twin Lakes, and construct over 10 acres of new road rights-of- way and road way as <br />well as new storm water storage ponds and utility easements to serve the homes and businesses to <br />locate in Twin Lakes Phase 1. <br /> <br />The existing parcels are occupied by under-used truck terminals and industrial buildings. The <br />Comprehensive Plan calls for a Business Park with a mix of uses, yet consistent and complimentary <br />in building, use, and design elements. The new road alignment helps achieve those goals. As <br />proposed the zoning will change to a PUD with underlying zoning of B-6, which is Mixed Use Office <br />Park designation. The subject parcels lie within Comprehensive Plan’s Planning District 10. <br />Rottlund is requesting the vacation of 2 Mount Ridge Road public roadway rights-of- way and 3 <br />easements recorded for what is currently Mount Ridge Road and 5 public easements along the <br />extension of Prior Avenue. <br /> <br />The Development Review Committee has reviewed the public rights-of-way and easement vacation <br />request and concluded that the roadway rights-of-way and easements are excess right of way and <br />easements. The proposed vacation will reduce infrastructure maintenance costs and will not <br />adversely impact adjacent and/or contiguous properties Such non-used or under-used rights of way <br />and easements and utility corridors are not necessary for the public health, safety or welfare, and <br />will be replaced with new appropriate alignments for future redevelopment within the Twin Lakes <br />project area. <br /> <br />The Development Review Committee further concluded that the proposed realignment of Mount <br />Ridge Road and Prior Road serves the public traffic needs of the community, is consistent with the <br />Public Utilities and Transportation plans and policies of Roseville, without burdening other rights-of- <br />way. It does not adversely impact the public transportation system and allows for adequate <br />circulation and access. <br /> <br />Based on the information in Section 4 and the findings in Section 5 of the project report dated June <br />1, 2005, the Community Development Staff recommended approval of the vacation of certain public <br />rights-of-way and easements to allow the redevelopment, subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />A. The approval of the Twin Lakes Phase 1 plat and dedication of rights-of-way 80 feet wide for the <br />Twin Lakes Parkway and utility easements through Phase 1 from Cleveland to Fairview. Said rights- <br />of-way will be required to be wider at Cleveland Avenue to accommodate the ingress/egress design, <br />and be based upon the final site traffic plan approved by the Public Works Director. <br /> <br />B. The approval of the Twin Lakes Phase 1 plat and the dedication of rights-of-way 50 feet to 60 <br />feet wide for the Prior Avenue realignment for road and relocated utility easements per the Public <br />Works Department and based on the final site utility plan approved by the Public Works Director. <br /> <br />C. Within the approved Twin Lakes Phase 1 plat, the dedication of utility and drainage easements <br />through and around the periphery of the lots and blocks as required by the Public Works Director. <br />These easements are typically 5 feet in width, but can be wider depending on location. <br /> <br />Chair Traynor explained that the easements are unnecessary and removing them because they <br />does not impact promote the health, safety, welfare and there are no negative impacts. <br /> <br />Member White asked what will happen if the vacation occurs, but development does not proceed. <br />Thomas Paschke explained the procedure and conditions of approval, including approval of Twin <br />Lakes Phase 1. <br /> <br />Deb Bloom explained the “vacation” definition and process and release of city interest in the <br />easement. <br /> <br />Joe Samuel, RLK-Kusisto, engineer for Rottlund, answered questions. <br /> <br />Member Boerigter asked why the partial vacation of easements? Joe Samuel explained the <br />ownership and control of the land within the project. <br /> <br />There were no further questions from the public. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />