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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:38:16 PM
Creation date
12/27/2005 3:04:03 PM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for September 7, 2005Page 5 of 10 <br />1.Parcel “A” for the existing home 85 feet by 150 feet deep and 12,750 s.f. in area. <br /> <br />2.Parcel “B” for development of a home with a minimum width adjacent to Lakeview <br />Avenue of 15 feet and an overall size of 23,405 s.f. <br /> <br />b.The applicant must provide the City with a survey of the new parcels with their legal <br />descriptions and illustrating the existing house, the houses on the north and south, and other <br />site improvements. <br /> <br />c.The applicant must provide a five-foot wide utility and drainage easement adjacent to the east <br />line of both parcels and along the joint property line of the parcel for the existing house with <br />the new lot (as required by the City Engineer). <br /> <br />d.The applicant must place the proposed house on Parcel “B” the average (or more) setback <br />from the east property line. The average is to be calculated by measuring the distance of the <br />house to the north and south from their east property line, then dividing by two, and in no <br />case be further east than the west line of the sewer easement cutting diagonally through <br />Parcel “B”. <br /> <br />e.The applicant must provide a landscape plan that illustrates screening of parking and other <br />improvements from the property to the north and south. <br /> <br />f.The applicant must contribute the appropriate park dedication and sewer accessibility charge <br />fees. <br /> <br />g.The applicant must submit a site, grading, driveway, and utility plan that will be reviewed and <br />approved by the Public Works and Community Development staff prior to building permit <br />issuance. <br /> <br />h.The applicant must provide the City with the appropriate survey and recording medium <br />necessary for City approval in order to properly record the subdivision document with <br />Ramsey County. <br />Joe Wozniak asked about the slope to the east – will it affect this lot? Will the lot and driveway <br />accommodate emergency vehicles? Will a hydrant be needed and will the Fire Marshal review this <br />site? (Planning staff will work with the Fire staff prior to the any final decision by the Council.) <br />Member Pust asked if the staff had received comments. (No.) <br />Rick Boschee, developer/applicant, explained how he will improve the existing home. A garage will <br />be added (two stalls facing the street) with a 3rd stall behind the 2 new stalls. Member Wozniak <br />asked if the height of the new building will be visually inhibiting for views to the east from existing <br />houses. (Boschee responded that the new home will be a rambler and will be setback to respect <br />view lines on both sides.) <br />Russell Catalin, 2824 Lakeview Avenue, asked if trees will be removed – this would be a significant <br />change. The driveway concentrations along the east side of Lakeview will increase. (Boschee <br />explained that trees along the north side of the driveway would be removed – 2 deciduous trees and <br />1 evergreen. He will plant new smaller trees and construct privacy fencing along the drive. He would <br />attempt to move the evergreen in the northwest corner of the lot. <br />Member Bakeman asked if the existing driveway will be retained. (Boschee expects one drive lane <br />for each house. The “U” would be removed.) <br />Member Wozniak asked for the location of the fire hydrant. (North West corner of property, adjacent <br />to evergreen.) Thomas Paschke explained how the staff has worked with other property owners in <br />the city. <br />Member Pust asked if a recommendation would be premature, because of the need for information <br /> <br /> <br />
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