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7/17/2007 3:38:20 PM
Creation date
4/3/2006 11:55:57 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for February 1, 2006 <br />Motion carried: 6-0 <br />c.Planning File 3706: Jack & Jill Preschool request for conditional use permit at 1717 Lincoln Drive <br />to allow a 12,000 sq. ft. commercial child care facility within the multi-tenant structure. <br />Chair Traynor opened the hearing and requested City Planner Thomas Paschke to provide a verbal <br />summary of the proposed project based on the staff report dated February 1, 2006. City Planner Paschke <br />explained that Saryday Partnership & Unlimited Potential In Education, Inc. (Jack & Jill Preschool)--seek <br />multi-tenant building at 2701-2729 Lincoln Drive. The proposed Jack & Jill Preschool would occupy <br />approximately 12,000 sq. ft. within the structure and include certain site improvements. Jack & Jill would <br />lease the 6 tenant bays west of Scandinavian Design, utilizing suite 105 as the main entrance. Jack & Jill <br />is similar to the Mini-Apple Montessori School located in a commercial area along Perimeter Drive. <br />The Fire Marshal has reviewed the proposal and supports signing a portion of the fire lane adjacent the <br />reserved/signed for families with young children. The proposal also calls for a playground at the rear <br />(south) of the structure in what is currently a drive lane and parking lot. As proposed, the playground <br />would be a minimum of 22 feet deep (north to south) and 108 feet in length (east to west), this use would <br />eliminate the existing drive lane. The review by the Fire Marshal & City Planner to determine whether <br />emergency and service access is available without utilizing the existing drive lane or parking field <br />concluded that adequate access to the rear of the structure is provided by the property to the south. The <br />The City Planner concluded that the mixed use retail/showroom, office and retail uses has no one <br />specific on-site parking requirement. The staff assigned the highest requirement (office/retail @ 5 spaces <br />per 1,000 sq. ft. leasable/retail sales area) to the remaining square footage (25,500 sq. ft. net) for a <br />requirement of 128 spaces. When added to the requirement of a daycare center (26) the total required <br />for the uses on the site is 154 spaces. The site currently includes 240 spaces; thus far exceeding the <br />requirements of the Roseville City Code. The proposal to eliminate certain parking spaces along the <br />south side of the building can be accommodated due to the excess or surplus of parking available on the <br />site. <br />All proposed modifications to the structure will be on the interior and require review and approval by the <br />Building Inspector and Fire Marshall prior to the issuance of a tenant improvement (remodeling) permit. <br />Aside from new signage, no exterior improvements to the structure are contemplated. There are no <br />proposed increases in the parking lot or structure that would trigger a review/permit by the Watershed or <br />Public Works Department. <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the criteria for issuance of a conditional use permit and explained that this project <br />had little perceived impact. He reviewed: <br />a.Impact on traffic (traffic patterns internal to the site will change) <br />b.Impacts on parks, streets and other public facilities <br />c.Compatibility of the site plan, internal circulation, landscaping and structure with contiguous <br />properties (changes are compatible and minimal) <br />d.Impact of the use on market value of contiguous properties <br />e.Impact on the general public health, safety and welfare <br />f. <br />Based on the information and findings provided in Section 4 and 5 of this project report, the City Planner <br />recommended approval of a conditional use permit for Jack & Jill Preschool to occupy up to 12,000 sq. <br />ft. in Rosedale Square North, 2701-2729 Lincoln Drive, subject to the following conditions: <br />a.The playground area must be screened to a minimum height of 4 feet. <br />5 of 94/3/2006 11:54 AM <br /> <br />
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