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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:40:21 PM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:12:14 AM
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for July 12, 2006 <br />e.Planning File 3767: Cummings Mobility request for a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow a motor vehicle <br />dealer at 1755 County Road C for the display and sales of handicapped adapted vehicles. <br />Chair Traynor opened the Public Hearing. <br />City Planner Paschke reviewed the request of Cummings Mobility for approval of a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />to allow a motor vehicle dealership at 1755 County Road C. Mr. Paschke advised that, in 2005, former Community <br />business that of fabricating and assembling parts for attaching within min-vans for handicapped riders and drivers. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that in 2006, Cummings was sent a letter from City staff indicating that the sale of <br />handicapped vehicles required a Conditional Use Permit, with the applicant then questioning how the Code <br />recognized State Stattue68.26, Subd. 2(b) which stated that manufacturers of handicapped vehicles were exempt <br />from requirements pertaining to motor vehicle dealer franchise, and subsequent review by the City Attorney and <br />his finding that a Conditional Use Permit was required. Mr. Paschke advised that the current application requests <br />allowance for a vehicle dealership and the ability to store, display and sell handicapped-equipped vehicles within <br />the front parking lot of the property. <br />setbacks and property line delineations; however, recommended approval, based on the information and findings <br />provided in Sections 4 and 5 of the project report dated July 12, 2006. Mr. Paschke advised that staff was willing to <br />work with the applicant on review of the Site Plan for customer parking of four (4) vehicles in the front of the lot; a <br />as presented and conditioned, and further revisions could be accomplished prior to presentation to the City <br />Council. <br />Discussion included existing function of the site related to other tenants; proposed parking of vehicles in <br />relationship to the property line and setbacks; clear demonstration of a designated drive lane for vehicle and <br />pedestrian safety; relocation and height of existing fencing; signage and striping demarcation of the lot for parking <br />and drive lanes; and impacts of the recent County Road C roadway widening and sidewalk installation. <br />Considerable discussion ensued among the Commission, staff and Lawrence Marofski, Legal Counsel for <br />Cummings Mobility, regarding the interpretation of the sidewalk placement; actual location of the property line; <br />widening of County Road C and right-of-way easement impacts; need for staff to review with Ramsey County the <br />type of easement for the sidewalk and confirm location of the property line; property ownership and delineation; <br />and configuration of the lot. <br />Mr. Marofski provided several diagrams for Commission and staff review and consideration regarding the existing <br />property situation; fence location; proposed relocation of the fence; and proposed customer and employee parking <br />locations, in addition to display parking; <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the limited sales/display parking and maximum allowable, as per code and <br />staff recommendation. Commissioners and staff recognized the additional display space needed for the nature of <br />the vehicles displayed; and need for availability for interested parties to access the display area. <br />Substantial discussion, confusion and interpretation were related to code specifications for fencing; and definition <br />of front yard and side yard for this specific and unique property. <br />Commissioners expressed their disappointment that a Site Plan had not been made available for review of the <br />application; with additional discussion regarding access to the property; existing curb cut; modified curb; driveway <br />widths; and signage plans for the future. <br />City Planner Paschke advised Commissioners that they needed to determine if they had enough information <br />available to make a decision tonight in enforcing City Code; noting that the fence location was a function of their <br />lease agreement with the existing property owner and there was no restriction for relocation the fence except for <br />identifying the configuration of the parking lot and number of display vehicles to be allowed. <br />The applicant, Mr. Cummings, addressed future lighting and signage plans. <br />Further discussion included recalculation of parking spaces for specific purposes as reconfigured by the applicant; <br />landscaping condition. <br />There was no one present for public comment related to this case. <br />Chair Traynor closed the Public Hearing. <br />10 of 122/6/2007 11.11 <br /> <br />
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