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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:40:23 PM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:14:23 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for August 2, 2006 <br />approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP), subject to conditions as outlined in Section 6 of the Staff Report <br />dated August 2, 2006. Mr. Paschke advised that earlier today, responses had been received from Darwin M. <br />Lindahl, Architect for the project. A copy of the August 2, 2006 memorandum is attached hereto and made a part <br />thereof. Mr. Paschke advised that some of the responses were acceptable to staff, and others were not and those <br />Discussion included the procedure related to the existing use and requested CUP and compliance with current City <br />Code; additional square footage from original overall size of 2,500 square feet to 2,680 actual square footage as <br />modified by the applicant; proposed direction of storm water runoff on the south end of the lot and type of <br />impervious or pervious surface; and proposed storm water management plan. <br />On behalf of the applicant, Mr. Lindahl advised that the applicant had recently received the Jeep franchise, and <br />the Concept Plans as submitted had been prepared by a national firm under contract with Daimler Chrystler when <br />additional showroom space was necessary, thus creating the impetus for the project. Mr. Lindahl explained his <br />involvement, from a local standpoint in development of the construction documents and planning process. Mr. <br />Discussion included options and limitations for exterior façade treatments and updates; requirements for a <br />space requirements and compatibility with contiguous properties; Interpretation of the percentage of building <br />expansion and proportional level of improvements and as related to increased market values; budget constraints <br />of the project; and reasonable conditions on the site related to the CUP application and process. <br />Jerry Golinvaus, Applicant, Roseville Chrysler <br />Mr. Golinvaus advised the Commission that he had worked out a solution with The Walser Group on their <br />proposed building improvements as discussed at the June Planning Commission meeting. <br />Mr. Golinvaus further advised that he had been a good business neighbor in Roseville for over twenty (20) years <br />need to display his business in the right fashion. Mr. Golinvaus spoke to the proposed improvements and aesthetic <br />value to the community from those improvements. Mr. Golinvaus noted that he was willing to be reasonable, but <br />needed to consider the budget and provide the most effective improvements. <br />Ongoing discussion ensued between Mr. Golinvaus, Mr. Lindahl, and Commissioners on specific conditions <br />recommended by staff further detailing those items already addressed by Mr. Lindahl verbally tonight and in the <br />written memorandum from Mr. Lindahl to staff; with the attempt to find reasonable compromises to those specific <br />items of concern. Mr. Golinvaus assured Commissioners of his intent and desire to freshen the appearance of the <br />property through landscaping and outdoor storage improvements. <br />Considerable discussion centered on the parking lot configuration; setback requirements; storm water drainage <br />concerns; architectural enhancements for the façade; curb islands and need to manage and retain existing parking <br />spaces while achieving adequate and industry-required display and storage for new and use vehicles, in addition to <br />customer parking and service area parking. <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom stressed the importance of acknowledging drainage concerns for the entire <br />subwatershed area, not just the subject property, and noted that staff had not yet reviewed any drainage plans <br />from the applicant at this time. Ms. Bloom advised that, when a plan comes in within a problem area and adequate <br />existing capacity is lacking, all attempts are taken to discuss design elements that will allow rate reduction, <br />infiltration options, impervious surface modifications to allow parking while addressing infiltration; and that the <br />requirements were standard and consistent with any improvement requests when an area was to be disturbed. <br />Further discussion included Rice Creek Watershed District requirements and the need for the City and applicants <br />signage and lighting and that proposed. <br />No one appeared for or against the application. <br />Chair Traynor closed the Public Hearing. <br />Additional discussion included strict application for code compliance and enforcement versus guidelines for land <br />use related to a CUP; parking and traffic flow; need for additional storm water management and green space <br />through islands and other landscaping; setback requirements and types of separation or curbing; landscaping to <br />provide an additional cooling factor given the massive amounts of bituminous and providing more aesthetics; and <br />additional landscaping around the proposed new monument signs. <br />11 of 152/6/2007 11.13 <br /> <br />
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