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<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />FOR THE VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />The Village Council hereby deems it necessary and expedient <br />that the Village acquire permanent easements across the properties <br />described as follows: <br /> <br />Easement No. 679-4 <br /> <br />The E'ly 15 feet of the S'ly 920 feet of the following: <br /> <br />Commencing at SE corner of Lot 3, Section 3, Township <br />29, Range 23, Thence W. 438 feet, thence N. 1320 feet <br />running parallel with East line of before described Lot 3 <br />to South line of a public road running over and across said <br />Lot 3, thence SE'ly along South line of said public road to <br />a point on East line of said Lot 3, which is 1132 feet North <br />of the Point of Beginning, thence South on Ea st line of said <br />Lot 3 to place of beginning, conveying all that part of the <br />East 438 feet of said Lot 3, lying South of the above des- <br />cribed public road, to a depth of 11 to 20 feet. <br /> <br />A further temporary construction easement 10 feet in width <br />lying West of the aforesaid perpetual easement and adjoining <br />it. <br /> <br />Easement No. 679-3 <br /> <br />All that part of the following described property: <br /> <br />All that part of Government Lot 2, Section 3, Township 29, <br />Range 23, lying West of Lexington Ave. and lying South <br />of Josephine Road; lying 10 feet on each side of the fOllowing <br />described line: commencing at a point on the NE R/W line of <br />Josephine Road as it now exists, said point lying 5 feet <br />SE1ly of the SW corner of Lot l, Block I, Tilton Addition, <br />thence SW'ly to a point on the West line of Government Lot <br />2, said point lying 190 feet South of SW R/W line of Josephine <br />Road as it now exists, to a depth of 2 to 10 feet. <br /> <br />That permanent easements be acquired for the purposes of construct- <br />ing, maintaining and operating underground storm sewer lines, pipe s, and <br />appurtenances for the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, together with ingress <br />and egress. <br />