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Regular City Council eating <br />onday, July 23, 2007 <br />Page 44 <br />specified by the reviewing agencies, and as outlined in the draft reso- <br />lution's Findings of Fact. <br />City Attorney Anderson reviewed the process for sending the original <br />document to agencies for comment, and noted that the process antici- <br />pated that comments would be made and responses would initially be <br />provided by the applicant and become part of the record. Mr. Ander- <br />son opined that this was the environmental review process at work to <br />improve proposed projects as indicated with revisions to the proposed <br />Site and Master plans. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her opinion regarding additional in- <br />adequacies of the EAW, requiring an EIS, related to the size and loca- <br />tion of structures and square footages of the structures; defining which <br />plan was being presented; and the scope and nature of full-time <br />equivalent (FTE) student calculations and related traffic impacts. <br />Councilmember Ihlan further addressed potential tree removal; <br />wooded habitat and brush and grassland areas; and erosion and drain- <br />age issues. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Councilmember Ihlan's preference for an <br />EIS; however, expressed his personal opinion and confidence that <br />there was no need for an EIS. Mayor Klausing sought comment from <br />other Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Roe noted his extensive review of agency and citizen <br />comments and College responses; recognized the importance of the <br />document; and opined his satisfaction that responses to the comments <br />were substantive and applicable; and further opined that the EAW ap- <br />peared to be accurate and complete. Councilmember Roe opined that, <br />at some point, consideration was required to accept expert input on <br />some of the questions; and if there remained particular areas for indi- <br />vidual Councilmember concern that required additional specific in- <br />formation, he was willing to make that request. Councilmember Roe <br />advised that he had read all the letters and responses, and expressed <br />appreciation for the input, and they served to answer the majority of <br />his questions and made reference to responses in the EAW question- <br />naire. <br />