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regular City Council eating <br />and ay, July 23, 2007 <br />Page 46 <br />turn lanes were much more necessary to College expansion that trig- <br />gering asignal at Lydia and Fairview, which was not indicated by <br />College expansion on its own. Mr. Schwartz noted that based on pro- <br />j actions for campus expansion, improvements at Snelling and Lydia <br />were triggered almost immediately. <br />Councilmember Pust clarified with Mr. Lindgren that it was consistent <br />with the College's understanding that their expansion would immedi- <br />ately trigger improvements to the intersection of Snelling and Lydia <br />and funding for those improvements. <br />1VIr. Lindgren advised that it was the College's intent to pay their pro- <br />portionate share. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted comments from Engineer Dan Soler of <br />the Ramsey County Public works Department regarding the intersec- <br />tion of Lydia and Snelling that without campus growth, background <br />growth would indicate little impact to traffic. Councilmember Ihlan <br />questioned the City's jurisdiction for a County road; and assurances <br />that the I'~.TD Agreement could make such traffic mitigation a condi- <br />tion. Councilmember Ihlan further questioned cut-through traffic if a <br />signal were installed at Lydia and Fairview and negative impacts to <br />those immediate neighborhoods and residences. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that mitigation recommendations would <br />actually improve the level of service at the intersection; decreasing the <br />time to process through the intersection, and hopefully decreasing ad- <br />vantages for traffic seeking alternatives to cut-through. <br />Additional discussion included travel demand measures implemented <br />by the college to discourage use of cars; need for students to work on <br />or off campus; and other options being explored to manage travel de- <br />mands. <br />