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Regular City C®uncil 1Vleeting <br />®nday, July 23, 2007 <br />Page 47 <br />Mr. Schroeder recognized public transportation challenges; potential <br />of light rail for Snelling and noise impacts; maintaining student hous- <br />ing to reduce commuting traffic; increased prices for parking; on- <br />campus versus off-campus expansion and differing community opin- <br />ions; and competing market factors for a private college. Mr. Schroe- <br />der noted that the traffic study indicated that 85 - 93% of the growth <br />was from background traffic, and 17% from expansion of the College. <br />Councilmember Pust reiterated her concerns, for the record, that the <br />college recognize their responsibility for traffic mitigation costs for <br />their proposed expansion; and that the understanding be clearly de- <br />fined in the PLTD Agreement, with no attempts to avoid that financial <br />responsibility. <br />Councilmember Ihlan addressed her concerns regarding FTE projec- <br />tions; her observance of College billboard advertising encouraging <br />adult and evening student recruitment; and potential environmental <br />impacts from additional commuter traffic in addition to additional <br />dorm space on campus for daytime students. <br />Mr. Lindgren briefly addressed national standards used by the College <br />for their student projections and consistent growth analyses. <br />Klausing moved, Roe seconded, adoption of Resolution No.10530 en- <br />titled, "Resolution establishing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law <br />and ®rder Issuing a Negative Declaration for an Environmental Im- <br />pact Statement on the Development Known as the Northwestern Col- <br />lege Master Plan." <br />Councilmember Pust offered a friendly amendment, accepted by the <br />makers of the motion, to the draft resolution's Findings of Fact, <br />changing language from "can" to "will" on pages 3, paragraphs 12 <br />and 13; page 4, paragraph 22; page 6, paragraph 29; and correction of <br />a typographical error (spelling of "college") on page 5, paragraph 23. <br />Councilmember Kough, while wanting to support the College, spoke <br />against the motion due to too many unanswered and open-ended is- <br />sues as addressed by Councilmember Ihlan. <br />