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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/23/2007 1:52:46 PM
Creation date
10/23/2007 1:52:45 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br />Minutes of 10/01/07 <br />Page 12 <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Pust; in addition to supporting <br />seeking collaborative partnerships, opining that this should be a theme running <br />through everything the City Council pursued and discussed. <br />15) Roseville responsibly funds programs, services, and infrastructure to meet <br />long-term needs (pages 50 - 52) <br />Councilmember Ihlan and Mayor Klausing had no items to identify under this <br />goal. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that a lot of work had been completed to-date, and <br />that this item should remain on the short-term priority list, in response to the 2025 <br />visioning process; and to retain the highest possible financing, while not specify- <br />ing strategies, for all item; to ensure that the community was continuing to review <br />all potential goals and strategies, and implementing those as indicated and evi- <br />dent. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that, overall and related to this goal, the City was <br />making good progress, and should be incorporated into every goal and comment <br />mentioned previously tonight. <br />Councilmember Pust, related to Goal 8, and parks and recreation, identified the <br />need to further discuss, as a short-term priority, the role of the OVAL in establish- <br />ing appealing youth facilities and places to congregate, Item 8.A.2.a (page 35); <br />and Item 8.B.2.a and b (page 38), along with an un-numbered item on page 51, <br />and unique advantages available at the OVAL. Councilmember Pust opined that <br />this was a broader topic than what was available at the OVAL now, and as indi- <br />cated again in Item 8.B.S.a (page 39), was further referenced in comments related <br />to community networks. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that Goal 10 didn't list this item, but Item 1.A.6.r indi- <br />cated interaction with students and encouraging school leadership programs, that <br />maybe more indicative to goal 10. <br />Next Sten <br />Mayor Klausing sought Council consensus for the next step; and for individual comments on <br />whether Councilmembers thought there would be benefits of HKGI to facilitate and assist the <br />Council in prioritizing comments from tonight's meeting, in addition to benefits to both parties <br />in working together prior to Comprehensive Plan Update work. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that tonight was very instructive, and she was encouraged by the <br />consensus in topic areas; and further opined that this was a good base to acknowledge and to <br />start from. Councilmember Pust opined that there remained lots of variety that would need fixr- <br />ther honing through more discussion; and questioned the benefit of those discussions being fa- <br />cilitated until they were further defined, and would be more effectively addressed through budget <br />
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