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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/14/2007 1:26:55 PM
Creation date
11/14/2007 1:26:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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e r I o ei e <br />®~d aye ct® er 7 <br />age 6 <br />hers would review the proposals of the Ethics Commission, including the pro- <br />posed training sessions and topics as proposed. <br />Ms. Bacon reviewed the ongoing and alarming increases in employee medical in- <br />surance; 2007 comparisons and projected 2008 premium increases; responses to <br />escalating health care costs through higher deductible plans and additional tiers of <br />coverage; and Health Reimbursement Accounts (RBA's) for the payment of de- <br />ductible expenses. Ms. Bacon reviewed the current provider, Medica; recent Re- <br />quest for Proposals (RFP's) for 2008 Health Insurance, with Medica's contract <br />expiring December 31, 2007, and resulting bid decline letters from numerous <br />companies due to their inability to compete with the Medica initial renewal rate of <br />42%, with the State's plan (PEIP) bidding, but at an increase of 46%. Ms. Bacon <br />advised that staff and the City's benefits broker, Financial Concepts, negotiated <br />with Medica for a reduced increase to 33.2% by moving into one of Medica's <br />standard plans for ease of administration. Ms. Bacon noted that this was incorpo- <br />rated with ideas generated by the City's Benefits and Wellness Committee to pro- <br />vide cost savings from their respective employee groups. <br />Ms. Bacon reviewed concerns shared by the Committee that the comprehensive <br />100% coverage plan had a claims to premium ratio of 226%, with thirty-five (35) <br />employees in that plan supplemented by all other staff, and determining that it <br />can no longer be sustained., since those employees see no incentive to manage <br />expenses, in how, when or where they seek medical attention. Ms. Bacon advised <br />that staff was recommending discontinuation of this comprehensive 100% Plan as <br />a choice. <br />Ms. Bacon reviewed four (4) plan design changes as follows: <br />1) increasing the co-pay for the three (3) tier prescription co-pay; <br />2) increasing the office visit co-pay; <br />3) increasing the deductible amounts on the 80/20 and High Deductible plans; <br />and <br />4) increasing the out-of-pocket maximums to better fit with Medica's standard <br />plans. <br />Ms. Bacon noted that staff was also recommending that the City increase the con- <br />tribution amounts to the HRA to help offset the higher deductible and out-of- <br />pocket maximums to better protect staff willing to take on more potential risk and <br />utilize the City's budgeted dollars by providing a means for staff to move toward <br />consumerism in their health care purchases. <br />Ms. Bacon provided detailed comparison information in the staff report. <br />
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