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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/12/2007 11:29:06 AM
Creation date
12/12/2007 11:29:05 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 19, 2007 <br />Page 6 <br />Discussion with Police Captain Rick Mathwig advising that animals were not held <br />at the City of Roseville, as there were no facilities to do so, but they were taken <br />directly to Brighton Veterinary Hospital, if there was no apparent identification or <br />owner. Captain Mathwig further advised that the Police Department could post <br />the information at the Roseville City Hall, without incurring extensive additional <br />staff or administrative costs and available during normal office hours; however, <br />noted that current practice provided that Police Dispatch, and other agencies, were <br />all aware of where animals were impounded, so the information would be readily <br />available to pet owners. <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that the Police Department add information to the <br />City's website, that if any animal was missing, contact should be made with <br />Brighton Veterinary Hospital, with their contact information and location. <br />Captain Mathwig advised that updated information to the City's website could be <br />added within several working days. <br />Councilmember Kough advised that Carol Kough had a sample form available for <br />the Police Department's consideration in completing a description of the missing <br />animal; and assured the public that the rationale for the revised ordinance was to <br />provide more safety for Roseville pets, and to encourage responsible pet owner- <br />ship. <br />Roll Call (Ihlan amendment) <br />Ayes: Roe; Kough; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Abstentions: Pust. <br />Motion carried. <br />Roe moved, Pust seconded, several technical amendments to the ordinance, and <br />publication summary as applicable, as follows: <br />Page 1, technical correction: underscore lines 30 - 32, and 37 to indicate that <br />they are changes to original language <br />,Page 3. item 2 on page 6, item 9b, line 30: under item 2 -Lifetime Licenses, <br />...payment of the required fee, (and in the case of electronically tagged ani- <br />mals] registration with the City of the unique..." <br />Page 4, correct to read: <br />"Fees for lifetime licenses shall be as set forth in Section 301.03, and at a mini- <br />mum shall include differential fees based on the status of the animal as being <br />~sferilized, or sterilized and] electronically tagged, with generally higher fees for <br />animals that are not electronically tagged so as to provide incentive for the elec- <br />tronic tagging of animals." <br />Page 6, technical correction: Section 501.19, change 501.20 in line 38 to 501.06 <br />Page 8, (and anywhere else in document for consistency purposes), technical <br />correction: correct language from "micro-chipped" to "electronically tagged." <br />Roll Call (Roe amendment) <br />
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