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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/11/2008 11:31:49 AM
Creation date
1/11/2008 11:31:48 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 17, 2007 <br />Page 6 <br />Public Comment <br />Tam McGehee, 77 Mid Oaks Lane <br />Ms. McGehee noted that she spoke to staff earlier today regarding the state rec- <br />ommended widths; and assured Mayor Klausing that she had not brought the issue <br />to Councilmember Kough's attention. Ms McGehee opined that this was a policy <br />issue, and it was common practice for this Council make policy based on court ac- <br />tion; that it was not good decision and policy-making practice; and that the City <br />needed to have clear and concise policies in place that didn't allow for interpreta- <br />tive errors. <br />Ms. McGehee further noted that the City Council had decided that it didn't want <br />off-street parking. <br />Mayor Klausing corrected Ms. McGehee's statement; noting that the City Council <br />had not finished their discussions, or made a decision, on off-street parking at this <br />time. <br />Gary Boryczka, 2250 Acorn Road <br />Mr. Boryczka expressed confusion in identifying pages he was commenting on, <br />due to a lack of page numbers. Mr. Boryczka commented on several issues, in- <br />cluding: 1) Based on Section 5.2 of the staff report, opined that there was no way <br />to make those cul-de-sacs conforming, based on their differing radii; 2) Why <br />change cul-de-sac widths to meet the project, but make them go through a vari- <br />ance process; 3) Apparent lack of design standards for cul-de-sacs; and minimum <br />roadway standards, needing to clarify whether it was right-of--way or blacktop di- <br />ameters; 4) Why should the Public Works Director have the power to decide if <br />code changes were allowed, rather than a variance procedure in place; 5) There <br />appeared to be no reference in the Planning Commission notes that the Fire Mar- <br />shal, or any emergency personnel had provided any input; and 6) questioned why <br />the proposed ordinance was retroactive to May 21, 2007 as indicated on the draft <br />copy. <br />City Attorney Squires clarified that the court order had addressed problems with <br />language and staff s interpretation of current code; did not provide directives or <br />prohibitions, and that this language amendment was recommended for revisions <br />to conform to those past practices. <br />Mr. Boryczka did not concur with City Attorney Squires legal opinion. <br />Mr. S. Ramalingam, 2182 Acorn Road <br />Mr. Ramalingam expressed his frustration, opining that "this whole thing is a <br />joke;" further opining issues with original notification of the project; lack of ade- <br />quate and effective listening and response by the City Council; and further opined <br />that "you make any law that you choose, and on top of that, you raised my taxes <br />16% for next year." <br />
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