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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 14, ZOOS <br />Page 11 <br />John Paul Martin, Martin Squires Attorneys At Law, 444 Cedar Street, Suite <br />2050, St. Paul, MN, representing Dorso Building Company, LLP/®PUS, 2814 <br />Cleveland Avenue, Roseville, Ml0' <br />Mr. Martin provided comment on the written request of December 12, 2007, in- <br />cluded as part of the Council packet, for their client Dorso Building Company, <br />LLP, owner often-plus acres of land in the northwest quadrant of the Twin Lakes <br />development area. Mr. Martin requested Council consideration and adoption of a <br />proposed ordinance restating the past position of the City. <br />As part of the Council packet, Councimember lhlan had resubmitted her original <br />written comments and position, dated November 22, 2005, regarding proposed <br />policies on use of eminent domain. <br />Discussion included noting that the property had been, at the consent of Dorso, <br />included in a larger condemnation proceeding during the anticipated Rottlund De- <br />velopment proposal; environmental status of the property, following four (4) stud- <br />ies, showing that this parcel doesn't require any remediation; and the property <br />owner's request for condemnation to achieve more favorable tax unplications. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed appreciation to Mr. Martin for his honesty; opin- <br />ing that what was being requested made perfect sense from a business point of <br />view; however, further opined that as an elected official she was being asked not <br />to comply with federal tax law. Councilmember Pust questioned the public pur- <br />pose and benefit to the citizens of Roseville; and spoke in opposition to the re- <br />quest as currently presented. <br />Mr. Martin reviewed several sections of the IRS Tax Code regarding timing for <br />reinvestment of proceeds; and implications to his client given the numerous un- <br />knowns of the actual development and sale of the property. Mr. Martin opined <br />that, given the history of the redevelopment area and impacts to small business <br />owners, the client's request was not unusual or excessive. <br />Mayor Klausing shared Councilmember Pust's concerns; however, expressed the <br />practical consequences that this parcel may not get redeveloped; and overall, it <br />was in the best interest of the community for office use on this property. <br />John Jossart, development legal counsel for the City of Roseville, Krass <br />Monroe <br />Mr. Jossart addressed legalities of the request, noting that it was a routine request, <br />and that the Purchase Agreement for the property stipulated tax deferments for the <br />current owner, as his single largest asset, creating significant impact to him. Mr. <br />Jossart advised that, without Council adoption of the requested action, the Pur- <br />chase Agreement would most likely not come to fruition, and would further im- <br />pact advancing redevelopment of the area. <br />