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City Council Meeting Minutes
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2/6/2008 10:02:27 AM
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2/6/2008 10:02:26 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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I2egudar City C®uncil Meeting <br />1Vlonday, January 14, 2005 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the Council shouldn't exercise eminent domain, <br />as there was no public purpose behind the request; and questioned the City Coun- <br />cil's authority to condemn, under current state law. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified the requested action. <br />Mr. Jossart advised that the proposed resolution was couched in the City's abili- <br />ties as confined to current law. <br />Mr. Martin addressed past action of the City Council in declaring the area to be <br />blighted and in need of redevelopment, and opined that this accounted fora spe- <br />cific public purpose. Mr. Martin noted that, in relationship to the market interest <br />in the property, as a condition of the Purchase Agreement, the transaction won't <br />happen without the ability to protect the small property owner. Mr. Martin opined <br />that there were a lot of steps to be completed before arry condemnation proceed- <br />ings would be commenced. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed concerns with the proposed language of rile dra'ii <br />resolution, opining that the intent was not obvious to a citizen; and noted that the <br />current eminent domain statute had changed the definition of blight, and ques- <br />tioned if this property would still meet that definition. <br />Mr. Jossart advised that, while he had not done a specific analysis, it was his <br />firni's belief that this process would fall under the old statute, since the Tax In- <br />crement Financing District had been created under those provisions. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of the proposed resolution, following further <br />clarification of the language and appropriate application of state statute. Mayor <br />Klausing opined that his consideration was due to the desperate need to redevelop <br />the area, and further opining that it would be a shame to let this opportunity slip <br />away if there was a solution. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her opposition in using eminent domain for the <br />purpose of facilitating economic development; and the need to determine the <br />City's eminent domain policy. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that, generally he was much less concerned about <br />eminent domain use when the actual property owner was asking for it; however, <br />expressed new concerns about new state law and whether the City was meeting <br />those requirements. Councilmember Roe sought written recomnnendation from <br />the City's legal counsel for further clarification, specifically related to point #3 of <br />the resolution, and whether "will" was too strong of a word in that context. <br />
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