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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/6/2008 10:02:27 AM
Creation date
2/6/2008 10:02:26 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 14, 200 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember Pust opined that the staff memo didn't match the language of the <br />proposed resolution, and needed additional revision; in addition to a clear under- <br />standing of cur~ent state law regarding eminent domain, and spoke in support of <br />further consideration. <br />Councilmember Kough spoke in support of the project going forward; however, <br />expressed concern on how best to proceed. <br />After further discussion, the applicant, the City's legal counsel, and staff•were di- <br />rected to clarify language of the resolution and provide additional information re- <br />garding the time period, definition of blight, and any other pertinent information. <br />Klausing moved, Pust seconded TABLING action, pending further information to <br />be provided by the applicant and the City's legal counsel, through staff; for con- <br />sideration of a resolution authorizing the acquisition of certain property for public <br />use by right of eminent domain. <br />ESyes: Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Kough and Ihlan. <br />Roll Call <br />b. Emergency Management Presentation by Krysta Reuter, Ramsey County <br />Emergency Management/FIomeland Security <br />Krysta Reuter, Assistant Director of Ramsey County Emergency Management <br />and Homeland Security (RCEMHS), provided an extensive presentation on the <br />responsibilities and coordination of emergency preparedness and homeland secu- <br />rity efforts for the county. Ms. Reuter provided information on training require- <br />ments; and the assistance available and in process for all public safety agencies, <br />including police, fire and EMS during responses, and volunteer organizations. <br />Ms. Reuter provided an overview of extensive county-wide emergency operations <br />plan; coordination efforts; incident management; resources; federal and state sup- <br />port; and emergency service function. Ms. Reuter advised the City Council of <br />municipal emergency management responsibilities and required training; and de- <br />fined responsibilities, cooperation and autonomy. <br />Also present to address the City's ongoing emergency operations training and fa- <br />cilitation were City of Roseville Deputy Fire Chief Tim O'Neill and Police Ser- <br />geant Matt Marshall. <br />Ms. Reuter advised that county responsibilities were to perform the basics, advise <br />and offer assistance to municipalities, and liaison with appropriate parties and co- <br />ordinate federal and state resources. <br />
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