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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 14, 200 <br />Page 14 <br />Discussion with the City Council was held regarding plamvng and policy level is- <br />sues from aday-to-day operation status of a part-time, elected City Council. <br />Deputy Chief O'Neill and Sgt. Marshall provided abehind-the-scenes review of <br />training to-date of over 180 city employees during normal work hours over the <br />Last two (2) years, with training dependent upon their roles and levels of responsi- <br />bility; application of state stahrte, and future need for a full-time position for <br />emergency management training. Deputy Chief O'Neill noted the anticipated en- <br />actment of the City's emergency operations plan in 2008; and possible implica- <br />tions to the City's 2009 budget for additional required h•aining and implementa- <br />tion, including acity-wide drill. <br />c. Consider Adoption of a Resolution Approving Recguest by Emmes Realty <br />Services LLC for an Amended Planned Unit Development (PUD) at IlarMar <br />Mall, 2100 Snelling Avenue (PF07-053) (Firestone) <br />City Plamrer Thomas Paschke introduced the request of Emmes Realty Services <br />LLC (Emmes) seeking to AMEND the PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT es- <br />tablished in January 2000 to relocate the northeastern outlot (currently Firestone) <br />to a location adjacent to County Road B. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that the request had been heard at the Planning Commission <br />in November of 2007, and unanimously recommended for approval as condi- <br />tioned and detailed in the staff report. Mr. Paschke reviewed the proposal, involy- <br />ing razing the Firestone building and constructing an additional parking lot in it's <br />place; creating a new outlot-structure adjacent to County Road B; modifying the <br />entry road at the signalized intersection with County Road B; and modifying the <br />drive lane ring road that intersects with the signalized access to County Road B. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that the proposed use, and tenant (D'Amico & Sons), along <br />with two retail uses, had been arrnounced publicly last week. <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed additional discussions and resolution between the applicant <br />and staff since the Planning Commission, as detailed in dre staff report. <br />Discussion included clarification of staff s proposed right-in/right-out access for <br />the most westerly access point from the site to County Road B; and comments of <br />the Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission regarding EPA- <br />compliance monitoring wells on site. <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom was present to address monitoring wells; with staff <br />determining that it should not be a city condition for monitoring wells, with the <br />MPCA serving as a higher authority. <br />Councihnember Ihlan spoke in support of adding a condition that monitoring <br />wells be installed. <br />