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Regniar City Coeancil Meeting <br />Monday, January 14, 200 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe opined that, since staff was unable to confirm the actual <br />need for installation of the monitoring wells, if didn't seem that a requirement for <br />their installation was appropriate as a condition of approval of the application. <br />Further discussion included the Conunission's suggestion for apedestrian/bicycle <br />access plan. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that it was included as a condition. <br />Additional discussion included addressing concerns of staff related to traffic; dif- <br />ferences of opinion between the City's traffic engineer and the applicant's engi- <br />neer; negotiations and compromises to-date; safety and logistical impacts to the <br />site and County Road B; a-turns on County Read B and enforcement options; and <br />previous action and development during constivction of the Super Target store. <br />Tom Hart, Winthrop & Weinstein, legal coe;nsel for applicant <br />Mr. Hart spoke to the amount of compromise and discussion between the appli- <br />cant and staff over several months; opining that this could be a "win-win" for all <br />parties. P~Ir. Hart advised that the applicant didn't think that safe~y was aii issue; <br />and that the proposed redevelopment would not create an excess between current <br />and projected conditions, specifically related to u-turns; and actually anticipated <br />smoother access rather than more congestion. Mr. Hart reiterated issues related to <br />long-term lease agreement provisions with anciaor tenants and access points. <br />James (Jamie) Swanson, Regional Director of Operations, Emmes Realty <br />Services LLC, for Gateway Washington, Inc. <br />Mr. Swanson noted the cost for installation of the underground stormwater reten- <br />tion system; and advised of the mall ownership's unwillingness to close the right- <br />out access point. <br />Aravind Gottemukkula, Wenck, Applicant's Traffic Engineer <br />Mr. Gottemukkula provided an extensive anc= detailed analysis of the problems <br />created for the applicant with staff s proposal; making the project unfeasible; and <br />reviewed the data and field observations collected to support their analysis. <br />The applicant suggested signs on-site to promote use of the main access point; <br />with Mr. Gottemukkula opining that the anticipated safety problem was theoreti- <br />cal, not actual, and that the proposed Outlot i§1 PUD would not alter the existing <br />level of service for any of the movements onto County Road B. <br />"Given the <br />10:00 p.m. self-imposed meeting and issue curfew in the Council's adopted rules of procedure, <br />the manor noted that the meeting could continue under the rules until 11:00 n.m. for considera- <br />