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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 24, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />2008 application; membership and/or involvement in the association; and early <br />usage on the lake. <br />Mr. Gallop responded to those previous citizen concerns and/or comments, noting <br />that the course was separate from the jump with the course uses as much as possi- <br />ble, depending on prevailing winds, on average 4 - 5 times per week by various <br />skiers. With regard to the jump, Mr. Gallop advised that usage was dependent on <br />water conditions, hot weather, too many boats on the lake, and Ramsey County <br />shutting down the lake for one week in July of 2007, as well as no use during <br />tournaments. Mr. Gallop advised that he tracked the use of the jump by his son <br />and himself, at 28 times during the season, in addition to one other family, and <br />several beginners. <br />Mr. Gallop advised that if skiers weren't part of the association and wished to use <br />the jump, they could call and ask a member of the association, who in turn would <br />check their equipment, review safety rules and regulations, ensure their equipment <br />was safe, and go with them on their first run to introduce them to the course and <br />jump. Mr. Gallop advised that, due to safety concerns, it was preferred that users <br />be members of the association to avoid. abuses. Mr. Gallop noted only one par- <br />ticular abuse of which he was aware. <br />Mr. Gallop noted that the early users of the course and jump were not actually <br />residents azound the lake, but were those trailering in to use them; and represented <br />a personal frustration to association members as well, since the lake was usually <br />calmer during the early morning hours and less traffic was evident during the <br />week, making it more attractive to users. Mr. Gallop advised that the association <br />held to aself-imposed start time during the week, as well as on weekends, and <br />experienced the same disruptions as other residents on the lake, being awakened <br />early, but opined that this was part of living on a recreational lake in MN. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that the association needed more publicity on their <br />association, and suggested that they contact the City's Parks and Recreation De- <br />parhnent and enter a unit in the 2008 Rosefest Parade. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought additional clarification on self-imposed start anal <br />closing times, and impacts to fishing boats. <br />Mr. Youngquist noted that it was disruptive for skiers when there were too many <br />fishing boats, and advised that they were usually out on average of/2 hour to 1 <br />hour for skiing and ceased skiing when too many boats showed up (i.e., fishing <br />boats). <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned if there was a way for the City or some other ju- <br />risdiction to set restrictions on water skiing and enforce time limits on people <br />trailering in. <br />