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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/22/2008 11:29:41 AM
Creation date
4/22/2008 11:29:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 24, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />Mr. Farrel advised that it was originally five feet in width, but had been revised as <br />per staff request, to a nine foot width, allowing a two foot overhang far car bump- <br />ers on each side, and still allowing for five feet raised, clear and protected pedes- <br />trian access. <br />Mr. Farrel further advised that plans had been revised from concept in an attempt <br />to address previously-expressed Council concerns related to pedestrian access on <br />the eastern side; and creation of a more visible and accessible designated demar- <br />cation between the pedestrian walkway and drive lane from Fernwood Avenue to <br />the store front. <br />Mr. Farrel noted that trees, in excess of 3" caliper at planting, were planned along <br />the boulevard on the west side of the driveway (50' at maturity) and next to the <br />drive lane by the parking Iot (15' at maturity) to provide additional screening, and <br />address environmental issues and aesthetics. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the size of the parking lot and whether it could be <br />reduced. <br />Mr. Farrel advised that for this size store, to accommodate drive fields, pedestrian <br />paths, handicapped parking access, and landscaping, in addition to the two (2) <br />outlot uses, this size parking lot was necessary to accommodate employee and <br />customer parking. Mr. Farrell advised that the proposed parking lot had been sig- <br />nificantly reduced from the current lot. <br />Further discussion included internal pedestrian access and vehicular flow; ac- <br />commodations made for the alley behind. the existing and adjacent mall by use of <br />raised curbing along the pedestrian pathway and landscaping amenities to direct <br />traffic to a right turn in front of the store, or back down to the south exit from the <br />site. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the meeting for public comment on this item. <br />Public Comment <br />Tom Kingston, 1786 Carroll Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 (across Larpenteur <br />Avenue), representing petitioners <br />Mr. Kingston thanked those Councilmembers who had spoken to him over the last <br />few weeks. Mr. Kingston spoke on behalf of the petitioners for the Roseville 4 <br />Theatre, and eminent demise of the business with approval of this proposed rede- <br />velopment. Mr. Kingston expressed grave disappointment for the potential loss of <br />the theater, and expressed frustration that Roundy's had not given the neighbor- <br />hood more time to address this loss, and make them more aware of the intended <br />rebuilding of the grocery store, alleging that the Roundy's project was "rushed <br />through by design." Mr. Kingston opined that most of the two-hundred (200) peo- <br />ple attending the developer's open house had been senior citizens and did not rep- <br />
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