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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/22/2008 11:29:41 AM
Creation date
4/22/2008 11:29:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 24, 2008 <br />Page 17 <br />resent all the people caring about the theater and the overall project and its out- <br />come. Mr. Kingston compared. the value of the Roseville 4 Theatre to a `big box" <br />store and expressed offense that Roundy's didn't give more time for response and <br />a solution to the theater's closure. Mr. Kingston further opined that the proposed <br />parking lot was excessive for what was being proposed, and that while private <br />business should be allowed to operate freely, the City Council had an obligation <br />to allow for more time to find a solution for the theater. Mr. Kingston urged <br />Councilmembers to vote down this proposal for now to allow more time for con- <br />cerned citizens to find out what could be done to save the Roseville 4 Theatre. <br />Annie Schomaker <br />Ms. Schomaker noted that she'd been volunteering at an area nursing home, and <br />she was aware of that facility, as well as many other nursing homes and group <br />homes, bringing people to the Roseville 4 Theatre for entertainment. Ms. <br />Schomaker advised that she had initiated the petition to save the theater, and had <br />been overwhelmed to see so many people who cared about its outcome. <br />Sue Card, 2845 Pascal. <br />Ms. Card advised that she was speaking on behalf of the community's disabled <br />and mentally-challenged citizens and area residents. Ms. Card opined that, by <br />taking away the Roseville 4 Theatre, the state was also being impacted, as there <br />was only so much funding available for activities for people with disabilities, in <br />addition to homeless people in the community needing a warm place to regroup. <br />Marsha Kreske, 2835 N Pascal <br />Ms. Kreske opined that many people were unaware that the grocery store would <br />be closed for several months during construction; and encouraged the City to <br />work with Roundy's to make sure accessible grocery shopping options were <br />available elsewhere for low-income residents, in addition to working to keep the <br />Roseville 4 Theatre open as part of the Roundy's plan, or in seeking where to re- <br />locate the facility, as an affordable entertainment venue. Ms. Kreske asked the <br />City Council to delay approval to allow for a plan that would assure that the <br />community's quality of life remained or was improved, proving beneficial for all <br />parties to work together. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked those making public comment on this issue. <br />Additional discussion among Councilmembers and staff included the City's part- <br />nership with the property owner on stormwater management improvements, and <br />the City's attempt to meet the timelines of the developer in accomplishing those <br />improvements for the benefit of the City and ongoing storm water issues in that <br />area, with Ms. Bloom briefly reviewing various options and locations for under- <br />ground piping, pending City Council approval of an agreement and construction. <br />
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