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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 24, 2008 <br />Page 20 <br />Motion carried. <br />Discussion ensued regarding specific requirements stipulated or not stipulated in <br />the draft PUD Agreement, (i.e., Development Review Committee com- <br />ments/conditions detailed in Section 6.0 of the staff report); and staff's rationale <br />for those referenced and those implied as addressed in City Code. <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that the PUD Agreement could be delayed until <br />all items, as requested by the City Council, were included, and a determination of <br />parking calculations had been completed; and whether there was additional room <br />to increase landscaping and reduce overall parking. <br />Staff noted the need to consider the other two uses for site parking, and the flexi- <br />bilitybuilt into the PUD for such purposes based on specific code language, rather <br />than addressed item by item in the PUD Agreement; and the need to discount <br />some for storage. <br />Mr. Farrel advised that the site plan allowed for 326 parking stalls, including eight <br />handicapped stalls. <br />Councilmember Pust spoke in support of pushing to the greatest extent away from <br />"seas of asphalt" and whether calculations for parking were based on minimums <br />or based on what the development needed or wanted. Councilmember Pust indi- <br />cated that her track record with staff should represent one of trust; however, she <br />sought clarification of the exact calculations used by staff in determining the <br />amount of parking, and her desire to provide for as much environmentally helpful <br />applications for green space as possible. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon advised that staff didn't <br />typically do counts, just assured that the PUD met minimum standards, without <br />availability or application of performance standards to dictate what parking was <br />needed for specific uses. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that, if all that had been done to-date by staff was to <br />look at minimum parking places, it was apparently the City Council's job to take <br />it seriously and say that they wanted less parking and more green space. Council- <br />member Ihlan reiterated her frustration that more revisions hadn't been achieved <br />from concept to final plan, and opined again her rationale that it therefore didn't <br />make sense to approve the request tonight without further resolution of issues. <br />Councilmember lhlan further opined that it was the Council's job to give policy <br />guidance and leadership. <br />Councilmember Roe sought to identify those items needing inclusion in the PUD <br />Agreement and those addressed by general code application. <br />