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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/9/2008 12:29:37 PM
Creation date
5/9/2008 12:29:36 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 14, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Pust clarified the discussion, for the public record, that the intent <br />of the proposed legislation was not so landlords wouldn't be liable for renting to <br />those with no legal status, based on immigration law provisions if their actions <br />were in reckless disregard of facts and housing was provided to someone illegally <br />in the United States under Federal Statute provisions. <br />Discussion included whom such legislation was proposed to protect; impacts to <br />landlords and/or tenants; liability concerns of landlords or small business owners; <br />the proposed severability section of the draft ordinance language based on federal <br />subsidy housing standards where status needed to be evaluated; and the HRC's <br />willingness to work with the City Attorney and/or staff to amend proposed lan- <br />guage, with the ultimate goal of making Roseville a more welcoming community. <br />City Manager Malinen noted the City Attorney's written opinion and additional <br />background regarding legal challenges and liability perspectives for the City in <br />considering such an ordinance; and seeking City Council direction prior to staff, <br />the City Attorney, and the HRC investing additional time on the ordinance. <br />Further discussion ensued on the City Attorney's legal opinion dated February of <br />2008; additional research needing to be conducted, if directed by the City Coun- <br />cil; policy discussions for the City Council's consideration; Section 8 Housing <br />and potential elimination of housing voucher assistance to the City; case law and <br />pre-emption issues necessary; free speech implications; substantive and proce- <br />dural due process concerns related to immigration status and verification of such <br />status; lack of case law to-date based on the State of California legislation passed <br />in 2007. <br />Councilmember Roe requested additional information on other municipalities <br />across the State of MN that have passed similar legislation, prior to the City of <br />Roseville exposing them as a "test" case. Councilmember Roe also questioned <br />whether other HRC's within the State had been looking at this issue and attempt- <br />ing solutions. Councilmember Roe opined his need to know more about this is- <br />sue, depending on receipt of additional input from the various groups referenced. <br />Commissioner Venters noted that this would be something fairly new, with only <br />90 communities having similar legislation one way or another, with the majority <br />of a negative nature requiring landlords to check immigration status of tenants or <br />prospective tenants. Commissioner Venters opined that it would be appropriate <br />and asked that the City Council take this step to be proactive based on the increas- <br />ingly diverse community. Commissioner Venters advised that in his conversa- <br />tions with various legal aid groups, they see this as something that should be mov- <br />ing forward. <br />Commissioner Venters asked if the City Council would be supportive of a more <br />thorough review of the City Attorney's written legal opinion by the HRC dealing <br />
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