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Special Joint Meeting Roseville City Council <br />and the Roseville Area School Board, District No. 623 <br />Wednesday, June 25, 2008 <br />Page 8 <br />to determine what was available and what may be needed; performed with in- <br />volvement of representatives of the School Board, City Council, and other groups <br />as well. Councilmember Roe suggested proactively moving forward, with desig- <br />nation of those responsible for the inventory, a timeframe for accomplishment, <br />and assurance that entities were not competing with each other, but seeking coop- <br />erative or jointly-managed facilities, with possible development of Joint Powers <br />Agreements (JPA's) for funding and maintenance. Councilmember Roe noted <br />that both the School District's and City's resources came from taxpayers, and <br />didn't represent an unlimited pool, and encouraged that the next step be taken to <br />effectively review and manage an inventory process for long-term solutions. <br />Further discussion included the need to involve citizens for their input in what <br />was missing, how best to focus resources, and to avoid redundancy. <br />4. Telecommunication Needs -Informational <br />Terr Heiser -City of Roseville Information Technology/Network Manager <br />Mr. Heiser provided a brief history and current collaborative overview, based on his <br />written report, on shared technology efforts of the City through JPA's with other mu- <br />nicipalities and agencies for management and shared telecommunication and net- <br />working technologies. <br />Discussion included municipal fiber optic institutional networks; interconnecting pos- <br />sibilities of the School District and City and cost-effective opportunities available; <br />support for the technology; proprietary protections to each entity involved in the net- <br />work; future considerations and issues when the current cable franchise agreement <br />expires in 2012; proactive efforts of the City to-date; and future expansion opportuni- <br />ties based on cooperative partnerships of the School District, City and other agencies. <br />Mr. Heiser encourage the School Board to consider cost saving opportunities in shar- <br />ing data and voice technologies; availability of the City's current IP telephony system <br />that would more than accommodate the School District's phone system and represent <br />significant cost savings to the District; and availability for non-public schools (i.e., <br />Concordia) within the existing system as well. <br />Discussion included additional detail on the existing and planned fiber optic trunk <br />lines; recent policy statements adopted by the City Council that the City and School <br />District were the City's # 1 priority in development of fiber networks and providing I- <br />net services, then business partners and beyond; availability of a centralized support <br />or "help desk" service with six (6) Roseville staff available to serve 900 users; and <br />difficulties experienced in pursuing wi-fi networks in the Roseville area, and avail- <br />ability of Internet connections in the area; usage issues and policy considerations with <br />student accessibility to ever-changing and improved technologies. <br />