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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 14, 2008 <br />Page 14 <br />citizens on fixed incomes, who maybe using other options, not as a choice but out <br />of necessity. Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of returning to the program <br />as it was in 1996, rather than allowing market forces and administrative costs to <br />drive the program into the ground and not serving the needs of those needing the <br />service. <br />Further discussion included refinement of the existing cost ($77,000+) and pro- <br />jected cost of approximately $150,000; approximate $26,000+ in lost revenue <br />from user fees if the program is not utilized; annual cost of approximately <br />$42,000 for catch basin cleaning and maintenance; and budget ramifications of <br />approximately $42,000 for catch basin maintenance without the leaf pick up pro- <br />gram. <br />Councilmember Roe opined the need to address why participation continued to <br />decline, and not just to assume it was tied with cost, but suggested a localized in- <br />ternal survey of the declined use. <br />Additional discussion included other cost-effective ways that may be available to <br />continue the service, rather than through everyone paying a fee on their utility <br />bills whether they used the service or not. <br />City Manager Malinen calculated that a program cost of $150,000 and 9,000 sin- <br />gle-family homes in Roseville, represented $16/year or $1.40/month against those <br />9,000 homes. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that citizens would speak up with their concerns <br />about paying $16/year for a service they may not use. <br />Mayor Klausing noted various considerations: cause/effect relationship with the <br />increased costs; common good for the community; whether decreased use was <br />based on financial hardship in all cases, or if in some cases, it was due to the lim- <br />ited window of opportunity for using the service, depending on weather and <br />leaves dropping off their trees. Mayor Klausing sought more hard data on alterna- <br />tive sources for leaf disposal, and those being used by Roseville citizens; and data <br />on those attempting to use the service, but not willing to pay for it. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that he was unsure of data on other alternatives; however, <br />noted that during last year's collection, when it appeared piles were on the boule- <br />vard, without pre-registration, crews picked them up and those households were <br />billed, with some paying, but others creating challenges for collection for the ser- <br />vice. Mr. Schwartz noted that the City's current storm utility code, as currently <br />written, did not allow for certification of the fees to taxes. <br />Councilmember Pust asked that staff bring additional information on changing the <br />storm utility code with changes allowing for certification of fees to taxes. <br />