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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/8/2008 12:24:25 PM
Creation date
9/8/2008 12:24:24 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 17, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />• <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of the motion; opining that there was a clear and <br />important distinction in that the facility was sectarian, but the purpose of the City <br />serving to provide conduit financing to obtain lower interest rates for tax-exempt <br />bonds was a separate issue; and expressed his confidence in support of the project, <br />and the legal opinion of the City's bond counsel and their conservative analysis; <br />further noting the value and justification of the school and educational facilities in <br />the community. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke against the motion; and reminded Mayor Klausing of <br />a previous vote in a similar situation for use of conduit funding for Northwestern <br />College for dormitories, and his vote against that bond issue. Councilmember Ih- <br />lan questioned the Mayor's rationale in supporting this bond issue. <br />Mayor Klausing responded to Councilmember Ihlan, acknowledging that he did <br />vote against that issue, based on his early tenure and inexperience on the City <br />Council, and lack of understanding on conduit financing. Mayor Klausing also <br />noted that the City's bond counsel at that time had declined to provide an opinion. <br />Mayor Klausing advised that he had learned that his previous overly-rigid ap- <br />proach was not always prudent, and had since tried to adopt a more flexible ap- <br />proach. <br />• Councilmember Roe spoke in support of the motion; opining that, while he was <br />not an expert in determining which institutions qualified and which didn't, and <br />who should or should not receive tax-exempt financing, he supported a standard <br />that was fair and supportable across the board, not serving as a political choice for <br />funding. Councilmember Roe further opined that, if the City's bond counsel rec- <br />ommended that it was appropriate to provide bonds, and they were willing to <br />stand behind their opinion, taking a tremendous risk on their own, he was confi- <br />dent in their recommendation. <br />Ayes: Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion Carried. <br />Roll Call <br />Recess <br />Mayor Klausing briefly recessed the meeting at 8:15 p.m. and reconvened at 8:21 p.m. <br />12. Business Items - Presentation/Discussion <br />a. Council Discussion of City Council Vacancies <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Councilmember Tom Kough's wife, Carol Kough, <br />who wished to address the City Council on behalf of Councilmember Kough on <br />this item. <br />. Ms. Kough noted that Tom would very much like to be attending, and was keep- <br />ing up-to-date by reading the Council agendas, and viewing video tapes of meet- <br />
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