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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/8/2008 12:24:25 PM
Creation date
9/8/2008 12:24:24 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 17, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn sought historical information regarding rationale and purpose for <br />the original special legislation specific to the City of Roseville for removal of that <br />protection; and whether this situation created any difficulties for the Police Chief <br />during the 2006 alcohol penalties and history of reduced penalties reduced by City <br />Manager Neal Beets; authority of the Police Chief. <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn suggested that this is a discussion that should be discussed by <br />elected officials, not delegated to the City staff. <br />b. Marsha Cressy, 2835 N Pascal <br />Ms. Cressy was under the impression that tonight's agenda included discussion of <br />the Rainbow/Roundy's project, and wished to speak to the closure of the Rose- <br />ville 4 Theatre. <br />Ms. Cressy provided petition forms entitled, "HELP prevent closing our com- <br />munities AFFORDABLE Family Entertainment;" with signatures of Roseville <br />residents, as well as area residents and users of the theater complex, expressing <br />their concern with the native impacts to the quality of life in Roseville and for <br />area residents. Ms. Cressy opined that people were upset that they weren't no- <br />ticed of the Public Hearing at the Planning Commission when the project was up <br />for discussion; and further opined that those aware of the meeting were under the <br />• impression that the project was simply an upgrade of the Rainbow store, and not <br />closure of the theater. Ms. Cressy opined that other area theaters were too expen- <br />sive for lower income families or residents; and further opined that it had been <br />admitted that sales increased at Rainbow when a new movie was there. Ms. <br />Cressy also noted that often groups bussed people from area multi-family resi- <br />dences to attend the theater. <br />Ms. Cressy opined that City Council rationale that they had nothing to say with <br />private businesses and what they did was not true; as the City Council should be <br />concerned with impacts to the City's quality of life; and asked that the City assist <br />in finding a solution to this closure. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that Ms. Cressy leave her petitions with staff for the <br />record, and noted that the land use issue would come before the City Council at <br />next week's meeting. Mayor Klausing expressed appreciation to Ms. Cressy and <br />petitioners for their passion and organization in preparing the petition. Mayor <br />Klausing agreed that the City had a role and obligation to set the quality of life in <br />Roseville; however, did recognize that the applicant did not need the City's per- <br />mission to terminate a lease, and clarified that the issue before the City at next <br />week's meeting would be that of the land use function of the parcel, through an <br />amendment to their Planned Unit Development (PUD). Mayor Klausing advised <br />that Ms. Cressy was welcome to return and express her concerns at that meeting. <br />C~ <br />
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