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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/20/2008 2:02:29 PM
Creation date
10/20/2008 1:56:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 08, 2008 <br />Page 15 <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her concern that equal opportunity be provided; <br />and expressed her preference that additional time for follow-up and to determine <br />actual documents for review be provided, noting that there were additional docu- <br />ments that she has yet to receive. Councilmember Ihlan opined that the City <br />Council had the responsibility to look into the complaints as raised by Mr. Cann <br />and tenants; and determine what role the City Council needed to play in investiga- <br />tion of the allegations and action to move forward. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that the City Council may have a better sense of their <br />role and future actions, if any, after hearing from all parties. <br />Councilmember Ihlan again reiterated the need to hear from all parties present. <br />Finance Director Miller advised that staff had invited Centennial Gardens Apart- <br />ments owners to the meeting, since staff had no information as to the allegations <br />raised at the previous meeting; better sense of what we need after hearing from <br />people and asked them to share dialogue with residents, and to explain their ac- <br />tions to-date; and provide information as to their compliance with affordability is- <br />sues. Mr. Miller advised that it was staff's intent to use that information as a <br />starting point for the City Council discussion to follow. <br />Mr. Terry McGillis, General Partner, Gardens East Limited Partnership <br />(developer/owner) <br />Mr. McGillis advised Councilmembers that he and fellow representatives were <br />here to answer questions of the City Council, not to make a presentation. <br />Mr. McGillis briefly reviewed the bond issue process; the copious documents ap- <br />proved; restrictions on the developers based on federal and state law; the devel- <br />oper's engagement of legal counsel and respected consultants in their industry to <br />ensure that they were following guidelines; and noted that applications from ten- <br />ants were reviewed by on-site staff, central management, as well as their consult- <br />ants. Mr. McGillis advised that if there were any questions on a tenant's qualifi- <br />cations, they sought further counsel from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency <br />(MHFA), who was charged with monitoring the developer's compliance, and ul- <br />timate qualification for tax credits, which also required a third party independent <br />audit. Mr. McGillis advised, for the public record, that in his experience and in- <br />volvement with the nursing home and security industries, he was aware of no <br />more regulatory program than this one; and noted the number of staff hired to en- <br />sure compliance with the program. <br />Mr. McGillis expressed concern with various letters being distributed and accusa- <br />tions, based on misinformation, and questioned whether the City Council wished <br />to become involved in tenant/landlord issues, or whether the courts were a better <br />
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