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Last modified
11/17/2008 2:40:54 PM
Creation date
11/17/2008 2:40:53 PM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, February 06, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Bake Baker <br />Mr. Baker spoke to the concept of using green construction; however, advised that <br />while they were very actively working on a number of sustainable projects, the <br />company’s objective in development work was for testing the ever-evolving <br />marketplace, and finding markets that were willing to pay rent premiums for those <br />amenities. Mr. Baker advised that LEED certification, at a minimum, would be <br />included. <br />Further discussion included the level of environmental clean up for office park versus <br />residential uses, with Commissioner Wozniak advocating for the site to be cleaned up <br />to residential standards to facilitate future use; recognition that this site was what <br />initiated shoreland ordinance development throughout the State of MN; anticipated <br />timeframe for construction (Spring of 2008) based on approval timing and construction <br />start; and complications of the development to the developer and the City, in addition <br />to a potential tenant, thus creating an aggressive timetable for project start and to <br />provide a lease rate to any potential tenants. <br />Mr. Fabel noted that this site is very unique, and one of very few opportunities for <br />contiguous office footage in the northern suburbs, with great access and visibility. <br />Additional discussion included Section 8.8 of the staff report related to Design Review <br />Committee (DRC) concerns, ongoing discussions, and resolution for construction of <br />Twin Lakes Parkway and other roadways within the redevelopment area; limitations of <br />staff as all roadway parcels were not owned or under control of a single master <br />developer for the roadway network, and considerations for individual parcels, as well <br />as the entire redevelopment site. <br />Further discussion included adhering to the Twin Lakes Urban Design application <br />process for construction appearances; additional pedestrian and trail connections <br />throughout the system and the site; building placement and design durability; new <br />urbanism approach design principles upon which the developer and staff were <br />primarily in agreement; and challenges to the developer in balancing building <br />placement in relationship to the outside edges (street frontage) and lake views for the <br />corporate office building, while accommodating a strong corporate identify for the <br />tenant(s). <br />Mr. Paschke noted that it was the intent of the Design Plans as overarching themes, <br />not to require full compliance, but to guide overall development principles and goals. <br />Discussion continued on comments from the neighborhood meeting, with Mr. Fabel <br />advising that the conversations were encouraging, with some in attendance from <br />outside the adjacent neighborhood, and others living on the northeast corner of <br />Langton Lake, and providing for a great discussion. Mr. Fabel advised that they <br />expressed their expectations and comments, with no specific concerns repeated, but <br />appeared to be more as a learning opportunity about the project, with their apparent <br />general support of the project. <br />Commissioner Wozniak noted the numerous trash containers on surrounding <br />industrial properties and their detraction from the development site; and suggested <br />that staff take a closer look at enforcing codes in the redevelopment area to enhance <br />the office park. <br />Mr. Baker offered his support of such enforcement, on behalf of the developer, <br />Public Comment <br />Dean Maschka, 1695 Millwood Avenue <br />Mr. Maschka opined that it was a historical fact that when such an improvement was <br />made, other properties followed suit. Mr. Maschka spoke highly of this local firm and <br /> <br />
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