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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/2/2009 1:38:00 PM
Creation date
4/2/2009 1:37:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 09, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />recreation programs, based on quality of life preferences of citizens; and their in- <br />trinsic value to this community. <br />City Manager Malinen reminded Councilmembers that another portion of the <br />process was identifying other revenue sources, a process already initiated on a <br />staff level by department, as they analyzed services and programs, and considered <br />ways to generate revenues. <br />Councilmember Roe recognized the concerns expressed by Councilmember John- <br />son in a third party making value judgments for the City without looking at the <br />overall picture of the community and implications. However, Councilmember <br />Roe also noted that a third party could provide the actual cost of providing ser- <br />vices and programs; and allow a more detailed review of efficiencies available, <br />since the City's staff was too close to the picture to be objective. Councilmember <br />Roe opined that the broad picture be reviewed, without any assumptions, and <br />community input sought on those programs or services that the community may <br />be willing to pay higher taxes or fees to continue or improve. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that the study being sought, as per the staff report, <br />was not consistent with seeking efficiencies, and without including value to com- <br />munity versus dollar amount to provide services or programs. <br />Further discussion included timing anticipated for completion of the study in rela- <br />tionship to the 2010 budget process, with staff anticipating 90 days for comple- <br />tion; monies to fund the study from the City's existing budget, but those resources <br />not yet identified by staff, pending further analysis of impacts of lost state aid <br />funds; one-time cost of the study, not a structural obligation, but part of the strate- <br />gic planning effort; and impacts of that $50,000 based on other priorities. <br />Klausing moved, Roe seconded, authorizing staff to hire an independent outside <br />consulting firm for the purposes of calculating the direct and indirect costs of City <br />services; at an amount not to exceed $50,000. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of the motion, while recognizing concerns ex- <br />pressed by Councilmembers, but noting the need to make some serious decisions <br />based on expenses and revenues, and with community input on their preferences. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned whether the study would cost the full $50,000, <br />and sought more definition of those services sought, and whether staff could pro- <br />vide ashort list of qualified firms; and questioned whether the firm would provide <br />sufficient data analysis, or if it would be repetitious of that already available to <br />staff. <br />City Manager Malinen assured Councilmembers that staff would certainly attempt <br />negotiating for less than the proposed $50,000. <br />
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