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(ii} Tenant agrees to !<eep its Premises adeq.uately iflumina.ted and continuoUSly and <br />generally open �or business ciuring the hours of 9:00 a.�-n. ta 5:00 p.m. Monday through: <br />Friday (excluding holicfays), and shafl mairztain thereir� a subst�ntial stock �f inerc�andise and <br />sufficient nurr�ber of emplayees for the p�rpose of selli�g said r�erchandise, unless pre�ented <br />from doing so by stril<es, �ire, casu.alties ar oth�e causes f�eyond T'enant's contral. <br />Article �: L�ASE COMMENGEMENT Af�D EXPIRATI�N aATE <br />{a) D�li.very Date. The Delivery Date of the �errii sl-�all. be the Iat�r of the date spec:ified in <br />the DATA SHEET or, if the Building arid the Landford`s Improvernents {�ave nat been <br />ccsrr�pleted prior to the execution hereo�, �he cfate the Premises are ready �or l�enant's <br />beneficial occupa�cy or for �erformance of Tenant.'s UVork, as specified. in a notice deli�ered <br />to Tenant at least S days prior to the Delivery Date. If t.he Delivery Date is estabfished as a. <br />later date than the Delivery date specified in th� DATA $H�ET, La.ndlord shai! confirrn such <br />data to Tenant in writing. <br />{l�) Delayed ar Early Occupancy. If Landlorc� is unable t.o gi�r� passession of the Premises <br />within 1 5 cfays of the Delivery Date set forth in the DATA SH�Ei because the construction af <br />the Shop�ing Center or construction of �andlord's Wark in the Premises has not been <br />suffiicientfy completed to mal<e the Premises ready for Tenant's Work, or for any other <br />reason, Tenant shail have the right at its o�tion to terminate the Lease. I� Tenant does not <br />terrnin�te tFre Lease, T'enant's obiic�ation to pay Rent shall nat commence un�il possession af <br />the Prernises is given and {i} Tenant has had thirty (30) ciays to cor�plete Tenant's Wark ar <br />(i't) the Premises are open fiar business, �,�liici�ev�r is earlier, and fatlure to give possessian on <br />the [7elivery Date set for[h in the DATA Sl�EET si�afl in no way a.ffect the validity of this Lease <br />or the obligations af Tenant hereunder, r�at- be construed in any way to extent the �xpirat.ion <br />�ate of the Term, lf Tenant is given and accepts possession of the Prei-nises on a date <br />earlier than t�e Delivery �ate set fa�th in the DAT,4 SNEE�`, the Rent reseivEd herein and a!I <br />covenants, agreements and oblic�ations herein and the Cerm of this Lease shaiE commence on <br />t�te earlier af (�`} th� Con�rrnencerrient Date or (ii) the date �enant opens for b�si:ness ir� Che <br />�remises, but i� no even� shall the Expiration Date be deemed modified as a result thereof. <br />�Jpan establishment of th� Comrriencement Dat�, Landiord shall confirm said clate to Tenant. <br />in writing. <br />(c) Acceptance of Premises. If this Lease is en�ered ir�ta prior to the substantial <br />completion of construction of the Buifding or su:bstantia! completio� 4f Landlord's Work in. the <br />Premises, Tenant shall notify Landlord in wriCine� within fi:fteen days after the Delivery Date of <br />any defects or deficiencies found in the Premises aiter Tenant has rnade such inspec.tian of <br />th� Premise� as Tena.nt deems appropriate. Except as Tenant shall otf�erwise notify <br />�artdlord within sucf� fiFteen day periad, 7enant shalf �e deemec! ta have accepted the <br />Premises in their condition "�s is" at that tima. If as a resuft of such inspection Tenant <br />d'iscovers mir�or deviations or variatian:s from th� plans and sneci�icatians for Landlard`s <br />Work of a r�ature commonly found on a"punch list" (as tha.t term is used in the canseruction <br />ind�stry), Tenant shall natify Land!'ord ir� writing oF such de�iations within sueh fifteen day <br />peri:od. Landlord sf�afl repair act�al deviations w�thin a reasonahle �he existence of <br />such pur�ch fist items sha�l not postpone the Deii�ery Date, the Carnmencement flate nar th�e <br />4 <br />