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obfiga.tion of �enant to pay Annual Minimum. Re�tt ar Adr�itional f�ent. Tenan:t waives any <br />ciaims as to rriatters not lis.ted in such notice. <br />(d) Ex�iratian Date. This Le�se shali expire ori tf�e da�e specifiecf in the DA.TA SHE�T <br />unless soaner terminated as provided in this �ease. <br />Article 3: RENT <br />(a} Payment. Tenarit covenants and �grees to pay to Landlard, without set off, <br />deduction, o� dernanc�, at the address set out o� the DATA SH�ET, or at such other places <br />�.andlord may dessgr€ate in writinc� to Ter�ant, rent�l: at the foflowing rates and times: <br />(i) Annual Rent. Tenant sha11 pay annuaGly during the 7erm tha �m:ount specifiecf or� <br />the DATA SHEE7 as Annual �ent, which surn shall be payak�le in twelve monthly installments, <br />on ar befare the first day of each month, in advance. Should the terrn of the Lease <br />commence or terminate on a day other than the first day of the manth; the rental for such <br />partial month shall be eqLia! to t#�e product obt�ined by multfplying the rt�onthly Annual <br />Minimurn Rer�t by a fraetian, the numerator of which is th� numb�r of days of the Term <br />inc�uded in �F�e partiai month and the clenominator of which i.s 3Q. <br />{ii) Other Ct��rges. Tenant shal! pay as Other Ch:a.r�es any tax or excise on rents, <br />gross receipts tax, or other tax, hawe�er describ�d (ather than Landlord's ir�eome taxes) <br />which is levied or assessed 3�y the Uni�ed States of Air�erica or th:e State in which the <br />SE�opping Cer�ter is located or any ppl.iticaf suhdivision thereaf, against Landlord in respect to <br />the Annua! Re�t or Other Cf�arges reservEd �nd'er thss Lease ar as a r�sult of receipt of such <br />rents accr�ai�g undet this Lease. <br />Annual RenC and Other Charges may, cum��lati�ely, be referre.d to herein as '"Ren�°' <br />Tena�iCS covenants Co pay R�nt are independent of any other cavenant, condition or <br />provisian af this Lease. <br />(b} Late Payment. Any amo�tnt c�u� from 1'enar�t to L�r�dford �rnder ti�is Gease which is r�ot <br />paid when due shall bear interest at the Default Rate from �he c�ate due until paid. <br />Article 4: QUf�T ENJQYMENT <br />Landlord covenants tl�at upon Tenant's �aying the Annual Rent and observing. and <br />performing al! the terms, covenants and canditions oF this Lease on i�s part to be observed <br />�nd performed, Tenant may peaceably and c�uietly enjay the P�emis�s, subject, however, to <br />tFte terms and conditions of this Lease. <br />Article 5: INSURANCE, It�DEMfVITY AND RELEASES <br />(a) Laridlard's Insurance. <br />�� <br />