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{i) LandEo�d shal:l I<eep the 5#�opping Center Tract insur�ci far the benefit of Landiord <br />in �n amour�t equivalent to the full replacement value thereof (�xcluding foundation, grading <br />ar�d e:xeavation costs anci. deductibfes and coinsurance) against loss or darnage by �ire, <br />windstorr�s, hail, expiosion, vanc�alism, ma�icfous mischief, civil corr�motion, anc{ such othe� risk <br />or risl�s of a sirr�ilar or dissimilar nature and such other coverage as is now, ar may in tl�e <br />future be, customarily covered with respect to E��ailclings and impro�eme�.ts simifar in <br />constructian, generaf foeation, use, oc�u�ancy and design ta t�te Shopping Center. <br />(ii) �ar�tJlorcf sf�all rnaintain, far its be�efit and the benef€t of its managsng agent, <br />general public liabifity snsurance ag�inst clairns for Personal injury, death or praperty darnage <br />occurririg �pon, in or about the Sl�op�ing Center; sucli insurartce ta afford protection to <br />Landlord ancf its managing agent. <br />These insurance provisions shaff in n� way firnit or rriodify any af th� obligations of Tenar�t <br />under a�y �ravision of this Lease. Any and ali insurance �remiums paic! by Landlord with <br />respect to the Shopping Center sl�all b� considered "Cor�imor� Area Ma�nter�ance Expenses". <br />(b) ie�ant's Insurance. <br />{i) Tenant shaJl keep all af its machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, per5onal <br />property (inciuding also properCy uncler the care; custody, or control of Tenant) and <br />business interests which rrfay be locat�d in, upon, or about the f'remises for the <br />benefit af Tenant in an a:mount equivalent ta the fuli replacerr�ent value or insurable value <br />thereof againsC loss ar damage by fire, anc� such ather risk or risl<s of a simElar or dissirnilar <br />nature �s are. now, ar may in the f�ture be, customarily covered with respect to � tenant's <br />machir�ery, equipn7en.t, f��miture, fixtt�res; personal �roperty and busir�ess iocated in a builcfing <br />simiiar in constru:ct'ton; general focatior�, us�, accupan�y and d�sign ta the Shopping Genter, <br />including, but without Eimiting the gener�lity of the foregoing, WIfICISCOCCt15, hail, ex�losions, <br />vand'afisrn, ti�eft, rn�Eicious mischief, civil commotion., water leal<ag� and darr�age o� any kind <br />�rom any nature whatsoever, sprinl<fer leal<age and such oth�r caver�ge as Tenant may <br />deem a�pco}�riate or necess�ry. <br />(ii) Tenant shalf at its sole cost and expen�e maintairi c�enera:l pubfic liability insurance <br />against cla.ims for �ersona! ir�jury, cieath or property c�amage (incC�cJing cantractual. liability <br />coverage applicabi� to this �ease and insuring Tenant's inc��tnnificaCion o�ligations pravided <br />for herein), occ�rring upon, in ar about the Premises, such insura�ce to afford pro�e�r.'ron to <br />�andlord, it.s managing agent and Tenant to the limit o€ not less than �1 ,ODCJ,�00 (singl� <br />combin�d lirnit for injuri�s to all parties}, and to the limit of nat less �han $500,�Q0 irt <br />res�ect ta any �roperty damage.. <br />(c� Releases. <br />(i) Lar�dlord and Ter�ant each agree tha:t such poiicy or policies a� insurance for loss <br />or dar�tage by fire ar esther risks sf7alf �ermit r�leases of fiability as herein pravided and <br />�ncl�de wa+ver of subrogation cla�ses as to Tenant and Lat�dlard respectively. �ach �arty <br />hereto waives, relsases and discnarges t�e other part�r from ali claims or demands <br />6 <br />