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whatsoever which the waiving party may have arising out of damage to or destruct'ron of <br />the waiving party's property or loss of us� thereof accasioned by fire ar ather cas�alty or <br />cause, wi�ich such claim or demand may arise hecause af the neglic�ence or fault af the other <br />party, its agents, errip;oyees, customers or k�usiness in�itees, or to o�herwise t�e waiving <br />party agrees ta look only tfl its insurance coverage in the event of such loss. <br />Notwithstanding the fc�regoing; in the event a�ry damage to the Shopping Center results from <br />any act or omission o� Tenant, its agents, enz��loy��s or invitees; and a�l or any portior� of <br />Lancllord's loss is "deductible", Ter�a�t shall �ay to Landlord the amaunt of suc}� deducCible <br />loss ( nat to exceed $1 ,000 per event},. <br />(ii) All praperty in: the SFio�ping Ce�ter or on th.� Premis�s �elonging to Ter�ant; its <br />agents, employees, invitees �r ath�rwise loc�ted at the Premises, shalf be at the sole risk of <br />�enant, and Landl'ard shall not be liai�fe for �amac�e thereto or theft, rriisappropria[ion or <br />�oss thereof artd �enant a�rees to de�end and hald harmless and indernnify zhern agatnst <br />claims and liability for injuries to such �raperty. <br />P,rticf� 6: COVENANTS �F �E.NANT <br />Tenant agrees, far its�lf:, its employees; �gents and invitees, that it shall: <br />(a) Rules and Regulations. Co�r�pfy with the R�les and Regulations attached hereta as <br />Exhibit �. <br />(b) Landlord's R�ght of Acc�ss. Give Landlord, its agents, employees, lessars and <br />r�ortgagees and any oth�r person or persoi�s authorEZetl' by Landlord, ac�ess to the <br />Pr�mises at a!I reasonabl� titr�es, ar�d at any time in the event of a� emerg�ncy, without <br />charge or diminution af rent; to enable them to in:s{aect.,: e�amir�e, show far lease or sale, ar�d <br />to make such re��irs, adtfitions and alterations to the Premises as Land(orcf may deerr� <br />advisable, so long as any such activity does ��ot interfere with �enant'S use of 'the prernises <br />for its permiCtecl use: <br />{c) Repair. Keep the Premises in good order �:nc� condition, not darrtage ar deface the <br />Premises flr the guilding or Shopping Center or commft was�e there�n, ar�d mal<e alf repairs <br />Wvhich are not expressly Lanc�lorci`s ohlic�ation pursuant to this Lease, <br />{d} Quiti and Remo�e. Upan the teri�r�ination af thi`s Lease for any reason, quit and deliv�r <br />up the Premises ta �.ancflord neaceabfy anci q:uiet€y in as gaod arder and conditian as t�te <br />Premises are now or may be im:pravec! by �andlard or Tenar�t, r�asonabl� u�e ai�d vvear, and <br />r�pairs whic� are L�ndlord's ex�ress obligations hereur�der exceptec�, and, i� T�nar�t is not in <br />default under �he terms of this Lease, rernove Tenant's gaods and effects and thase af any <br />other persons cfaiming G�nder Tenant. Gaods arid effec�s not removed by Tenant at the <br />terrnination of this Lease {or within 4$ hours after a. termination by reason of Te�an�'s <br />default), shall be consfdered abandoned and Landlard may disy�ose of the same as it deems <br />ex�edient.. <br />7 <br />