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{e) Advertising. Not place in or on the Pr�mises, signs, le.tterinc�, displays, advertising ar <br />pictures which are �isibie from ouCside �fie Premises (inclucling windaw� or doors) except <br />upan the prior written approval ofi Landlord which appraval shall nat be unreasonably <br />withheid or delayed. <br />(f} Lier�s. At its expense, �o f�e discharc�:ed, within t.en days of the filing thereof; ai�y <br />canstructtan lien claim filed against the Pr�mises or the Shapping Center Tract for work <br />claimed to l�av� 6een done ior�, or materials elaimed to have been furnished to, or an behalf <br />af �enanf. <br />(g) Comply With Laws. At fts expense, compiy with all laws, or�ers, ordinances and <br />regulations aF �ederal, state, caunty and rrrunicipal aut�orities anc€ wit.h any direc.tion made <br />p�rrsuant to law of any public o��icer or o�ficers, which shall, with respect to the use of the <br />f'rerrtises or to any abaterrrent of nuisance, i:m�ose any violatian, order or duty u�on <br />�.andlord or �enant arising fratn Tenant's use af the Premises or frc�m conditior�s which have <br />4�een create.d by or at the ir�starice of Tenant or required by r�ason af a breach of any of <br />Tenant's cov�nants or agreements here�nder. <br />(h) Not InvaliaEate Insuranee. Not c�o or F�ermit to be dane any act or thing upon the <br />Premises which will ir��ralFdate or be in conflict with the Certificate of Qccu�ancy or the terrr�s <br />of the standard form of fi:re, boiler, sprinl<ler, water c�amage or other ins�srance policies <br />available in �he state the Shopping Center is located covering the Buifding and Shopping <br />Center and th� fixtures and �ra�erty therein or do or permiC anything to f�e elone in ar upon <br />the Premises or bring or I<eep anything therein ar use the Premises in a manner which may <br />make insurance una�ailable or increase the premium for insurance u{�on the B�aild:ing and <br />5hopping Center or on any property or equipnient located th�r�in. <br />Artic(e 7: CE#�iAIN RIGHTS �ES�RV�D TO LANDLQRD <br />Landlord reser�es the fo�lowing rights exercisabl� without notice and with�ut liability tio <br />Tenant ancf without eff�cti:ng an eviction, constructive or actual, or disturbance of Tenar�t's <br />use of possession; csr gi�inc� rise Yo any claim for setof� or aE�atement af rent: <br />(a) Signs. Ta contral, insCall, affix ar�d maintain any and afl signs on the Property, or on <br />tl�e exterior of the Building otherwise located in the Shoppir�g Center and in the corridars, <br />entrances and other camn7on areas thereof; except those signs w'rthir� the PrerrSises not <br />�isibl� frorr-r outside the Prerrfises: <br />(b} Designation of Service Coritractars. To reasanabl� designate, limit, r�strict and <br />contral any service in or to the Shapping Cer�ter, ir�cluding f�ut nat limited t� the designatian <br />of: saurces from which Tenant may obtain s3g:ri pair�ting and lettering. Any restriction, <br />dssignation, lirr�itatian or c.ontrol irrtpdsed by �eason of tf�is sub�aragraph shall be imp�sed <br />unifarmly on Tenant and other tenants occu�ying s�ace in the Shapping <br />(c) Keys. To �etain at all times and to use in appropriate, ins#anc�s keys to ali doors <br />witnin and into the Prernises. No lac�CS shall be changed without the �rior writiten consent of <br />8 <br />