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pravisions of ti�is clause shal� be self-operatrve howe�er, Tenant, upan rec�z�est of any party <br />in interest, sFrall execuCe prom�tly such agreemen:ts or ir�struments to effectuate the intent <br />of this clause. Nathing contained in this clause shall rrraterially adversely affect any of the <br />ric�hts granteci Co Tena�7t �nder ti�is Le�se. <br />Further, Land:iord resprves tfie right to sever the ownership of or title to the variaus s�:ctions <br />af tF�� Sho�pinc� �entEr or Shop�ing C�nter Tract and/or to place separate mortgag�es on <br />sald sections; in which case the rights af TenaRt wiEl be pr�served by a written declaration, <br />to be executed hy th:e Landkord and duly recorr�ed, creating mutual, reciprocal and <br />interdependent rigk7ts to use the parl<ir�g and ot�er camrrzon areas and the utiiities and <br />facilities needed for the full use and enjayment of the Premises by Tenan� ar�d without <br />impairing ariy of the c�uties and oblic�a:tions of tlie Landlord to the Tenant under this Lease. <br />Tenant covenants to execute from time to time s�ch instruments reason:ably required by <br />Landlord and/or its mortgat��e to effectuate the provisions of this clause. <br />Article 17: MISCEL�ANEOLS PROVlSIONS <br />(a) Headings. T#�e tit�es to sections o� this Lease are not a par� of this Lease a.nd shali <br />have no eFfect u�ort tt�e constructior� or int�rpretatian of a�y part fzereof. <br />(b) H.eirs arid Assigns. AII of the ca�enan�s, agreements, terms and conclirions contained <br />in this Leas� shal:f inure to and be bindli3g upar� Landlord, its heirs, executors, administrators, <br />successars a.nd assigns,. and T�nant anci its permitted heirs; exe�uiors, adminisC.rators, <br />successors and assi�ns. If more than on:e �ersan or �ntity executes this Lease as Tenant, <br />the li�bility of e:ach to �ay Annua.l Minirnurn Re�r anci other cha�ges and ta perform all ather <br />obfigations h�reursdec shall f�e cleemed to be joint and several, ' <br />(c} �lon-waiver. ti�Vaaver I�y Lancilord af any E�reach of any term, co�enant or candition <br />herein contained shali nat �e deemed [o be a w�iver of such rerm, co�enant, ar condition of <br />this Lease., regardiess of Landlord's Icnowledge of such preceding t��reacFr at the tEm� af <br />accept�nce o� Annual fvl.inimurn Rent. <br />{d) No Brakers. Tenant represents a:nd warrants to Landl:ord t�at it has not engaged <br />any broker, tinder or ot�er �ersan other thar� the 8ro!<er listed on the DATA SNEET who <br />would be entitiec� to any comtnlssian or fees in respect of the negotiation, exec�tion ar <br />delivery of this Lease, ancl Tenar�t snall indemnify and hold harmless Lancflord against any <br />loss, cos�, lia�il€ty or exberrse incurred by Landlard as a resu�t of any asserted by any <br />such bnoker, fii7der or oti�er person oi� the �asis o� dny arrangementG or agreemenCS made <br />or aflcged ta have been rr�ade by or an b�{�aff of Ten�r�t. The provisions ofi thi5 s�ction shall <br />nat a�pfy to f�rol<ers with whom Landlarcf has an express written brokerage agr�ement. <br />{e) Enti�-e Agreer-r-ient. This Lease contai:ns afl covenants a:nd agreements between <br />Landford and Tenant re�ating in any manner to the Annttal f�er�t, Ten�r�t's use anti occu�ancy <br />of the Premis�s anc� the gu�lding, and other matters set farth in C�ris L.ease, No prior <br />agreements or understai�dfng pertaining thereto shall be valid ar of force or effect arid t1�e <br />17 <br />