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"�fo one shal! be subjected to tar�ure or to cxuet, inhuman, or degrading treatment <br />or punishment." Amendment VIII the Bili of Rights also states, "Excessive bail <br />shal! not be required, r�or �xcessi�e fnes imposed, or �el ar�t� c�nus�al <br />pur�ishments inflicted". Based or� these statements, TASER abuse is a �iolation <br />of human rights. <br />There are se�era! eases of excessive use oi TASER guns. fn some <br />occasior�s, peopie were shocked repeatedly with TASER guns even afier they <br />had already collapsed onfo the ground, or did noi present a threat to the s�c�rity <br />of the officer at all. Several incidents of this type of TASER ab�se have been <br />reported_ <br />On March 20, 20Q8, Darryl Tumer was snocked for 37 seconds after t�e <br />got inta an argumen# wi#h his manager. The o�cer shocked Turner immediaiely <br />after er�t�ring the raom, when Turner was standing with his hands at his side, <br />making �o aitempt to harm anyons. After he collapsed, he was shocked aga�n. <br />He died minutes laier. <br />On January 15, 2008, 11�ark Backlund was shocked by a TASER gun or� <br />Highway 694. He was on I�is way to pick his parents up from the airport b�t got <br />into an acciden#. There were fve officers at the scene. He was fisted as <br />uncooperative, and then TASERed He died soon after in the hospital. <br />On December 28, 2007, Emily Delafeld, a w#�eelchair-bound insane <br />woman, was shocked #en times within two minutes. She was apparently waving <br />kr�ives and hammers around on her s�ster's property. She died soon after. <br />