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�07 Ro�aid G. Rumpsa, 2201 �'erris Lane (Ferriswood Apartments) <br />�08 Mr. Rumpsa concurred with the comments of Mr. Coyle, opining that density was ff�e <br />109 rri.ajor issue of concern; and opined that this proposed use was such a dramatic <br />�1Q deviation, and that it was inconsistent with fhe adjacent properties. Mr. Rumpsa asked <br />1� 1 that residents' quality of life be enriched, not reduced. Mr. Rumpsa further addressed <br />��� exist[ng iraffic volumes on County Road B between�iew and Cleveland A�enues, <br />�� 3 and impacts wit� additiona� units in that area. <br />�i4 Alle�e Wiley, 2220 Midland Grove Road, #206 <br />1 � 5 Ms. Wiley concurred with Mr. Rumpsa's traffic concerns; and fur#her addressed the <br />�1� proposed exit road from the devefopm�nt site onto Midland Grove Road, and negative <br />�1� impacts to access abiEity, in addition to emergency �ehicfe consideratians. <br />118 Russ Sherer, 2203 Ferris Lane <br />��� Mr. 5herer ex�ressed concern related to egress frorr� F�rriswood, when heading east of <br />12� Highway 36 and exiting on Cleveland and the need to crass over three (3) lanes of traffic <br />12� t.o make a left hand turn onto County Roa.d B. <br />122 Dorothy Kunze, 2220 M.idland Gro�e Road, #205 <br />�23 Ms. K.unze providetE comment, o�ining thai tax re�enue should not be the only <br />3�4 consideration for the City, but also that of aesthe#ics; and apined that this was too large of <br />125 a building on tao sma!! of a plot of land, and that this was not what the Roseville residents <br />12� have known for a considerable amount of time. <br />127 Eileen Stack, RfV, 222D Ferris�e <br />128 Ms. Stack, as a Community Nurse at the Church of Corpus Christi, noted that she <br />12� had clients in many area haines; and that based on the curreni economy, they were <br />13� continuing to live in their homes, rather than move, due to their inability Eo sell their <br />131 homes; and opined ti�at tF�is should be of major concern to the City. <br />132 Bob Stoika, 2220 Midland Grave Road, #106 <br />133 Mr. Stoika concurred with cancerns expressed about whether this praposai would f# in <br />�34 with the neighborhood; opining that Midland Grove was a park-iike sefting; and thaf this <br />�35 project would not fit in. <br />�36 Vijaya [SP) Pothapragada, 225d Midland Gro�e Road, #1U5 <br />737 Mr. Pothapragada a�dressed Section 6.1 of the staff repori, detailing traffic and daily trips <br />�3� based on the proposed number of units; and asked that other complications be <br />�39 considered (i.e., employee and staff parki�g needs; visitor parking; deliveries ta the site; <br />14� and emergency arrbulance servi.ces) and those additionaE traffic impacts to the <br />1�1 neighhorhood. <br />142 Fre.d Ghristianson, 2220 lV�iciland Grove <br />ta3 Mr, Christianson, as a former Planner in the United States and Canada, applauded the <br />�44 effor#s af those speakers and their eloquence. Mr. Christianson asked that the <br />�a5 Commission remember that their decisians were Iong-term; and concurred with the <br />�a� comments of Attorney Peter Coyle. <br />�47 Ste�e Enzler, representing family, 9995 W County Road B <br />� 4� Mr. Enzler read an e-mail from Frank Vllaltan of the Roseville Hisiorica] Society, related ta <br />�49 ihe histaricai nature of his family property, idenfified on the Heritage Trail, �#47, and the <br />�50 lack of notice of the Historical Society of any proposed activities on this site; and future <br />151 notice in accordance. Mr. Vllalton's comments addressed concerns with mass and the <br />1�2 need to hanor the green space indicative of this property. <br />153 Mr. Enzler's personal comments inciuded apining t�at the current proposal may rr�ore <br />15� accurately reflect future use of the property; that it was apparentiy not the intent of the <br />155 Comprehensive Plan to eliminate his single-family residential pro�erty. Mr. Enzler opined <br />1�6 that Mr. Mueller was aftempting to undermine code limits by use of the pUD applicatian; <br />�5� and further opined that the building s#ill remained massive in relationship to his property <br />158 and home; and t�at his property would experience dramatic and negative impacts to <br />�59 sunlight, air and view; and opined that it seemed to be a reasanable ciaim that this could <br />16o damage the vafue of their home in addition to iF�eir quality af life. <br />