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�61 Mr. Enzler noted previ.ous lat. line delineation errors; and expressed his willingness ta <br />��� wark Mr. Mueller in seeking resolution. <br />i 53 Andy Weyer, 2025 W County Road B <br />1�� Mr. Weyer �resented his historical perspecti�e of the property, and rationale for it's <br />�65 inclusion on the Heriiage Trail based on the ariginal home's cons#ruction; and affered that <br />��� #he home could easily be relocated far greater use. Mr. Weyer opined ihat the property <br />�67 itself was nat of hisiorical import; and fhe home itself was originally moved from its farmer <br />��� facafion io facilitate consfruction of Midland Gro�e, which property was originally awned <br />169 by his ancestors, and allowing f.or growth and �rogress. Mr. Weyer opined that things <br />�7� change; and there was value in mo�ing forward for ihe cam.munity, as well as with what <br />�7� rernained of his fami{y homestead. <br />�72 Allene Wiley <br />173 Ms. Wiley opined that Mr. Weyer had his own pri�a#e road, mailbox and address and <br />17a would experience minimal impacts to his private properiy; however, she no#ed that while <br />1�, he wauld make considerable money an the sale of this r�maining portian of his famify's <br />1 f� farmstead, it did�'t mean tha# Midland Grove f�oad needed to be further impacted. Ms. <br />177 Wiley opi�ed �hat it may be more advantageous to Mr. Weyer financially if the praperty <br />178 were sold for single-family ho�sing and pro�ide an asset to the neighbarhood rather than <br />179 a detrimenf. <br />18Q Art Muelter, De�eloper <br />�81 Mr. Muefler responded to public comments; and provided his historica] perspectiWe af and <br />�82 his personal development of Midland Grove and �erriswood., in additian ta this proposal; <br />�83 noting #he positi�e benefit o# the previaus projects ta the City. Mr. Mueller questioned if <br />�8� there were others supparting the project, but not appearing to speak in that support; and <br />�85 noted his experience in receiving positive supporf for the proposed praject and the need <br />�86 for this senior hausing option. <br />187 Chair BaEcema� closed fhe �ublic Hea�ing at 10:40 p.m. <br />� 88 MOTION (9.1 j <br />189 Mernber Bakeman mo�ed, secanded by Mem6er Boerigter to RECOMM�N� <br />19fl APPROVAL of the COMPR�FiE.NSIVE LAND USE MAP AMENDM�NT oi 2025 <br />191 County Road B West from Low Density Resid:e�tiaf ta High Density Residentiaf. <br />192 Discussion included clarification thaf the density designation would stay with the property <br />193 even if this proposaJ was not appro�ed, while further clarifying the process through items <br />194 to �e solidified (i.e., PUD Agreement; submissia� of plans and documents; recording af <br />195 rezoning of the praperiy with Ramsey County; Camprehensive P1an amendment through <br />1�6 the Metrapolitan Council; related issues to support this project); and the need for anather <br />1�7 PUD for any ather project on this parcel; and S#ate statute requirements for <br />19� Comprehensive Plan and Zoning consistencies: <br />199 Commissianer poh�rty spoke in opposition to the proposal, e�en with reduced story and <br />20� units, based on moving from Low Densify to High Density rather than Medium Density <br />2�i designatian. <br />2�z Commissioner Wozniak concurred with Cammissianer boherty, apining ihat the proposed <br />2�3 use was fao dense and foo high in a sir�g�e-family residentiai area. Commissioner <br />�C�� Wozniak advised that he could suppar# Medium Der�sity designation; and still had <br />2�� concerns with traffic and too many units for this size of property, given neighbors and the <br />2�6 ofher surrounding uses. <br />2�7 Commissioner Gottfried concurred with Commissioners Doherty and Wozniak, <br />2�� expressing concerns wi#h transitioning i�to the neighborhood; and supporting Medium <br />2t�9 rather #F�an High �ensity designation. <br />2�o Mr. Paschke encouraged Commissioners to look at the Gomprehensive Plan as a guid�, <br />2� � and the density designations as addressed in Sectian 5.6 of tf�e staff report. <br />212 Commissioner Best noted that Midland Grove to the narfh was f�igh Density; and opined <br />2� 3 that if the site were de�eloped based on those guidelines per acre, fhis wauld still be High <br />