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53 <br />54 <br />55 <br />56 <br />�i <br />58 <br />59 <br />�a <br />61 <br />Metrapolitan Commissian for review; and bas�d on the adjaceni Ferriswood and Midlar�d <br />Grove PUD Projects. <br />Chair Bakeman, at 9:45 p.m., ope�ed #he meeting for public co�nment; respectfully <br />requesting that speakers limit #heir comments #o the specific iasue befare the <br />Commission. <br />Public Comment <br />As part af the wrftten record, Mr, Paschke provided copies of additional e-mails <br />receive�d after distribufion of the Agenda Packet materials, aftached herefo and <br />made a part thereof. <br />62 Peter Coyle, land use attorney firom Larkin, Hoffman, et al, 7800 Xerxes;. <br />63 Blaomi.ngton, MN <br />€�4 �Ar. Coyle, speaking for a large group of residents a.t Ferriswoad and MicEland Grove, ir� <br />6� addition to Mr. 5teve Enzler, advised that, while the group was supporti�e �f a refatively <br />�i� dense use of this praperty, they were not supportive af this high of a density its <br />6i d.evelopment. Mr. Coy1e opined that fhe proposed use was not an apprapriate transition <br />68 or apPropriafe use of residential streets; and that the praposed use was too much the <br />69 availabfe land and site. Mr. Coyl� presented, for the recard, a new petition from fhe grou� <br />70 of prope�ty owners he repres�nts:. <br />71 NEUIr PETlTlON <br />�� "Beaause of fhe safety issues due to traffia congestion, diminished aesthetic�, <br />�3 remo�al of trees a�d a possi�le decrease in our property value, the following <br />7� resid�nts o the Midiand Grorre Gondo Assaciation are this �etition to <br />�5 oppase any change of zor�ing ardir�ances to aecommoda�e the building of any new <br />7� multiple housing proposal at 2D25 County Road B, Roseville, MN, by Art <br />?7 Mueller," attached hereto and made a part fhereof. <br />7� Mr. Coyfe expounded on rationaEe for the petition including failure to consider this parc�i <br />79 in the recently amended CompreF�ensive Plan; need to make this use comparabfe to <br />8C� other and similar uses in the area tha# wauld be respec#ful and compatible with those <br />81 existing uses; and opi.ned that the proposal needed substantially more work befor� it was <br />B2 accepiable in ihis established neighborhoad. Mr. Coyle advised that fhose he <br />a3 represented were not opposed to development of the property; however, that they were <br />8� asking for r�asonable density compaiible wiih surrounding sites a.nd projects. <br />85 Scott Roste, President of Mid[and Grove Gondominium Association, 2220 Miciland <br />86 Gro�e Road #211, representing rnembers interested in this project <br />�7 Mr. Roste further addressed the 107 petitioner signatures collected and their <br />g� representafion at tonighf's meeting; a.nd noted that this petition was different than that <br />�� �resented at the previous meeting; and opined that residents would �e in favor of <br />90 development of t�e property, but at a Low ta Medium Density designation.. <br />91 <br />Chair Bakeman read the peti#ion into the record. <br />92 M:arie Woehlice, 21$1 Ferris Lane, �erriswood Condominium Associatior� <br />�3 Ms. Woehlke, having purchased her property two (2) years ago, expressed her distress <br />�� about a pot�ntial rental property adjacent to her property; apining that owner=occupied. <br />�5 buildings were better maintained and more attractive. Ms. Woehlke opined. that the <br />96 building was still tflo tall; was too close ta her and Mr: Enzler's properties; and toa close <br />9� to the lot line, creati�g issues of potential noise and lack af privacy, and blocking sunlight. <br />�8 Ann Bursh, 2220 Midland Gro�e,. #201 <br />�9 Ms. Bursch advised that s�e had performed a personal survey a�er the past week of the <br />1�� number af existing seniar living unifs in fhe Rosevill� area; and expressed cancerh, <br />��� based on her findings related to existing vacancies, with the senior hOU54f1� market <br />��2 becoming saturated. Ms. Bursn asked that Commissioners consider the current econamic <br />1�3 situation and potential sales of senior citizen's homes in that marke#, in additian to their <br />���a reduced sales pric�; address density a�d traffic concems as pre�iously expressed; and <br />��5 noted ongoing concerns with toa much building on too small of a site and reduced green <br />��� space. <br />