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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 10, 2009 <br />Page 8 <br />Mr. Miller noted that this updated document represented approximately $10.2 <br />million in capital needs, up several million from last year; and expressed his ex- <br />pectation that the documented needs would continue to grow annually as the <br />document was periodically revised. Mr. Miller addressed the sizable funding <br />gap between asset funding mechanisms and asset requirements; and advised that <br />the document included items discussed in the four most recent community meet- <br />ings held over the last few weeks. <br />Mr. Miller reviewed the formatting of the document by category and function <br />with cone-page summary of larger capital items, in an effort to provide the City <br />Council and community with an aggregate look. Mr. Miller noted that he was fi- <br />nalizing more detailed spreadsheets, similar to those provided last year and linked <br />to this document that would provide greater detail and consistency for each cate- <br />gory and/or function. Mr. Miller asked that Councilmembers review, reflect <br />upon, and provide input to staff for further refinement; at which time staff would <br />ask that the Council formally adopt the document as a planning tool. <br />Councilmember Pust advised that she was pleased to hear that, contrary to the re- <br />quested action in the Request for Council Action for tonight, that staff was not <br />seeking adoption at this time, as she had numerous questions. <br />Councilmember Pust specifically addressed the Police (page 14) and Fire De- <br />partment (page 17) functions and rationale for those particular departments recita- <br />tion of historical operating costs and staffing deficiencies not related to capital, <br />which appeared inconsistent with the formatting of other departments. Council- <br />member Pust also questioned references to the chart on page 16 to correspond <br />with that page. Councilmember Pust noted that page 17 (Fire Department) didn't <br />include community meeting discussions (i.e., held at Central Park) related to re- <br />placement and/or relocation of stations; and noted the need for further discussions <br />beyond the Study completed in 2008 and current leadership vacancies. Council- <br />member Pust cautioned that, if this document is to represent a consensus of the <br />City Council to the public, the document itself was premature of those policy de- <br />cisions and priority details being discussed by the City Council. Councilmember <br />Pust suggested that the document needed more work. <br />Mayor Klausing asked Councilmember Pust if prioritizing wasn't part of the an- <br />nual budget process, rather than attempting to prioritize over a 10 year period; and <br />opined that he saw this CIP tool as a high-level analysis of long-term capital <br />needs over that 10 year period. <br />Councilmember Pust responded that it was vital to differentiate between levels of <br />analysis provided for funding during budget discussions, based on specific fund- <br />ing sources versus a "wish list" identified as a "capital plan" that had yet to be <br />vetted by Councilmembers during policy level discussions before representing it <br />as a consensus document to the public. <br />